Snacks for votes - thirteen

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After they made announcements the class went back to talking. Most of the class was already here, just a few people who show up late. "Vote Courtney for class president!" Geoff promoted for Courtney. "Thanks Geoff," Courtney said as she walked in with Bridgette. "So where's my candy to get my vote?" Duncan asked as he leaned back in his seat. Courtney rolled her eyes and sat down. "Noah and I will be passing out candy during lunch, along with chips," she smiled as she explained. "I'll vote you either way!" I smiled.

Courtney smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. "Thanks DJ, you're so sweet," she said. "Well I need snacks before I can do that," Duncan smirked. Courtney rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm voting Scott!" Jo shouted from across the room. "Good for you," Courtney glared at her. "I'll vote the sha-dude!" Lightning also jumped up. "Vote who you'd like, i've got my friends votes," Courtney said as she crossed her arms. "Alright class, let's begin the lesson," the teacher said as he walked in. Half of the class started to complain and I laughed a bit.

After class

The guys and I were walking out when we ran into Scott. "Oh hey guys, vote me for prez," he smiled. "I'll see," I smiled, but I know i'm going to vote Courtney. "Hmm i'll think about it," Geoff laughed and punched him playfully. "No thanks," Duncan yawned. "Okay.." Scott glared at him and walked off. Geoff and I looked over at him. "Don't be rude about it," I said to him. "I don't like him, he should know this," Duncan rolled his eyes as he talked about him. "Yeah yeah anyways, where's Courtney, I need some snacks i'm hungry," he looked around. "Probably her locker with Bridge," Geoff shrugged.

We headed over to her locker and she was there with her candy bags. "I'm hungry now let me get mine," Duncan put his hand out. Geoff, Bridgette, and I laughed and Courtney rolled her eyes. "You better vote me," Courtney glared at him as she handed him a bag. "Chill chill, I will!" he smirked. "Well we'll see you guys at lunch, ima walk Bridgette to class," Geoff threw up a peace sign as he walked off holding hands with her. "DJ will you help me pass out candy during lunch?" Courtney asked me. "Sure," I smiled. She smiled back and put her stuff back. "Okay i'll see you guys at lunch," she said as she grabbed her notebook and closed her locker. She walked off and we turned the other way.

As we were walking, we saw Gwen.. but she was talking to a guy. "Who the hell??" Duncan asked annoyed. We got closer and realized the guy was Trent. "Hey!" Duncan yelled. He quickly walked over to him and I followed behind. "Oh hey babe," she smiled. "Why are you talking to him?" he glared at Trent. "Uh we were just catching up.. can you chill??" she crossed her arms. "He's your ex. We've been over this," he grabbed her hand and pulled her away from him. She took her arm back and stared at him. "You and Courtney talk now you don't see me freaking out! You don't trust me?" she glared at him.

"Uhh.." Trent and I both awkwardly stood there. "Okay do whatever, i'm not arguing with you in school," he said and walked away. I ran after him as he headed to class. "Why are you so against her and Trent? She's kind of right... you and Courtney are fine now," I asked. "You remember season 2. He was literally obsessed with her.. What if he still likes her," he explained annoyed. "I doubt it! We're all friends now," I shrugged. He ignored what I said and we headed into class.

Gwen's POV
After school

Geoff invited a few of us to his house so we all headed there. It was Bridgette, Zoey, Mike, Duncan, DJ, Courtney, Noah, Izzy, Eva, Trent and I that were invited. "Okay guys should we play a game?" Geoff asked as he took a sip of his soda. "Yess we should," DJ smiled. "What game tho?" Geoff asked. I shrugged and looked around at everyone else. "We can play... Truth or Dare?" Mike suggested. "I'm down" "Yea!" "Sounds good" everyone started to agree. "Okay truth or dare it is!" Geoff smirked. "Zoey, Truty or Dare?" Bridgette started the game off. "Truth!" Zoey picked.

"Who do you not like at school?" she asked her. "Besides Chris," she started as she rolled her eyes. The rest of us laughed. "I can't stand Scott," she crossed her arms. "Ugh me either," Noah agreed with her. "He's okay.." Courtney shrugged. "He's okay? Courtney are you feeling well?" Bridgette giggled, placing her hand on Courtney's forehead. "Yeah, I just talked to him the other day and I guess he's okay, he's still annoying tho," she playfully rolled her eyes. I laughed along with Bridgette and Zoey. "Okay, well Gwen! Truth or Dare?" Zoey asked me.

"Mmm, Dare!" I smirked. "I dare you to hold hands with whoever is last to say not it!" Zoey giggled. "NOT IT!" everyone shouted at different times. "Wait huh?" Trent looked over since he was busy talking to DJ. "Yeah no," Duncan glared at Zoey and Trent. "It's a dare Duncan! Not like she's got to kiss him," Zoey rolled her eyes. "No she's not doing it," he said. "Babe it's just a Dare, not the end of the world," I reassured him, I then kissed his cheek. He smiled and finally agreed. I walked over to Trent and sat next to him. "I gotta hold your hand for the dare," I laughed.

"Okay," Trent laughed back. I looked around at the others. "Courtney, Truth or Dare?" I asked. "Truth," she picked. "Do you have a crush right now?" I smirked. She looked over at Zoey and Bridgette and over at me. "Uh.. I guess?" she played with her fingers. "Who?!?" Everyone asked surprised. "Like i'm going to tell everyone," she laughed. "Boooo!" Noah rolled his eyes. "Oh shut it," she joked. The rest of us laughed with them. Who would have thought we would all get along so well? Even Eva is here and laughing with us!

word count: 1059

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