new friends - six

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At lunch
Gwen's POV

I closed my locker as I put my books away. Next up is lunch and after Lunch I have drama, so I don't need anything for now. "Oh look, it's Gwen," someone said. That voice.. I turned back to see Heather. "Oh great," I rolled my eyes. "Shut it boyfriend kisser," she chuckled. "That's all you got? It's getting old," I said annoyed, she's been calling me that since world tour. "Who kisses someones boyfriend?" she asked. "YOU?!" I yelled, she kissed Trent during the first season.

"You guys weren't together, it was more of a crush," she smirked. "Whatever, just let it go already. Courtney and I already made up," I rolled my eyes. "Let's see how long that lasts," she laughed as she walked away. I glared at her and walked away as well. As I entered the cafe, I saw Duncan and Geoff already at the table. "Hi guys," I sat with them. "Hey," they both said. Duncan put his arm around me. Two trays were set infront of me, I looked over. It was Courtney and Bridgette. Bridgette was beside Geoff and Courtney was next to her.

"Hi," they both said. "Hey," we all replied. "Guys I think i'm going to run for class president," Courtney smiled proudly. "Oo that's a good idea!" DJ said as he joined us. "Thanks DJ," she smiled. "You've got my vote," I also agreed with DJ. "Thanks guys," she smiled again. "I wonder who you'll be up against," Bridgette wondered. "I think I heard something about Scott running," Geoff said, tapping his finger on his chin. "I think so too," DJ added.

I looked up for a second, I caught Courtney and Duncan just staring at each other. It was a normal stare but you can see the hatred. "So who came up with the idea of the party?" Bridgette asked. I turned my focus back to the others. "Duncan brought it up, so I decided to host it at my place," Geoff explained. "Well then, maybe we'll go," Bridgette smiled. "Maybe you, count me out," Courtney rolled her eyes at her. "Why not?" I asked. She gave me the "really" look. She signaled her eyes to Duncan then back to me.

"More drinks for us," Duncan mumbled. I elbowed him and she glared at him. "You can keep your drinks," she said. These two will never stop arguing. "I'll be back," I said. I got up and walked off. I'm just gonna grab something from the vending machine. There someone ahead so I stood behind them. I pulled out my phone to look at insta when the person bumped into me.

"Oh sorry!" they said. I looked up and it was Trent. "Oh it's ok," I smiled. "How you been?" he asked. "I've been good," I replied. "You?" I returned the question. "I've been okay," he nodded his head. "Well that's good. Oh and also, Geoff, Duncan, and DJ are having a party friday night at Geoff's, they're inviting the whole school I think," I smiled. "Ahhh ok," he smiled back. "You should come! We all need to catch up," I said. He nodded his head. "I'll try if i'm free," he smiled again. Suddenly Duncan walked over to us and glared. "You should go now. BYE!" he yelled. Trent looked at him then at me.

He waved before walking off. "Why were you talking to Trent?" he asked. "It was just some small talk.." I mumbled. "Yeah okay," he said annoyed. "Why are you so upset?!" I asked. "Trent is literally your ex.." he said annoyed. "Courtney is yours! Trent and I are just friends," I said, glaring at him. Since when is he jealous. "I don't even like Court," he said. I chuckled. "If you say so," I rolled my eyes.

After school
Mike's POV

Zoey and I decided to come get some food after school. Then she wants to head to Bridgette's place. She assured me I wouldn't be the only guy there since Geoff would be there, I don't talk to him bout i'll be glad to make new friends! The drive through person handed me the bag and I drove off. "Here's my burger.. and here's yours!" she handed me mine.

I grabbed mine with my right hand, since I was driving. "Thank you," I smiled. She handed it to me with the top unwrapped, so I took a bite out of it. "This is good," she giggled. "It is," I agreed with her. We made it to Bridgettes place 5 minutes later, we finished our food and stepped out the car. Zoey walked ahead so she could knock. The door opened and Bridgette welcomed us inside. "Oh hey Zoey and Mike," Geoff said, he was on the couch.

"Hey man," I waved. We walked to the couch and joined him. "I'm having a party friday night, you guys should come," Geoff informed us. "Oh sure! Count us in," I smiled. "Yeah i'm down," Zoey also agreed. "Great! Now boys let us have our girl talk, go to the kitchen," Bridgette giggled. "Okay fine," Geoff and I laughed as we walked away. He headed straight to the fridge and grabbed two soda cans, he gave me one.

"Thanks," I smiled as I popped it open. I took a sip and he placed his down on the table. "So what drinks and music should we have?" Geoff asked me. "Not sure about drinks but we definitely need good music, maybe some we can dance too," I suggested. "Good thinking," Geoff patted my back. "What food are you gonna have?" I asked. "Not really sure, DJ will help with that since he can cook," he explained. "Oh yeahh, he was the cook in season 2," I laughed. He nodded his head.

"Okay you two can come back now," Bridgette called us over. We grabbed our drinks and joined the girls on the couch again. "Let's watch a movie now," Zoey smiled. "A scary one!" Geoff and I both shouted. "NO!" the girls both shouted back. "Fine, but something funny," Geoff said. "Okay sounds good," Bridgette laughed.

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