Confessions - seven

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Time skip to Friday
Cody's POV

The last few days of school were boring, but today is Friday! Today is also the day Geoff is throwing his party. My main goal for the night, get Gwen. She may be with Duncan but after she realizes how great I am she'll leave him for me. I just hope Sierra dosen't see me.. well.. she's over me either way.

The bell rang so I walked out of class. My locker is right down the hall next to Duncans. "Move it," he shoved me as he opened his locker. He put away his notebook and slammed it shut again. He dosen't wear a bag so all he does is just shove his stuff in his locker. I put away my notebooks and grabbed my bag. I closed it and headed downstairs. Cameron was running by when I made it downstairs. I then saw Sierra running after him.

I'd hate to be him! I saw as she finally got him and hugged him. "Don't leave me cody!" she shouted, hugging him extra tight. "I'm not Cody!" he yelled back at her. I laughed a bit. World tour I was like cam, running from her. "Sorry cam," she hugged him even more. "Want to be my date to Geoff's party?" she asked him. "Ummm..." Cam slowly mumbled. I chuckled and walked off. I saw Bridgette and Courtney as they were walking off.

"So what are you wearing?" Bridgette asked Courtney. "This, the party isn't anything formal," Courtney shrugged her shoulders. "Hey guys," I joined in. They both looked back at me and waved. "Hey Cody," they smiled. "What time you guys heading to the party?" I asked them. Courtney shrugged. "Ima help Jeff set up a bit.. so i'll be there early," Bridgette answered with a smile. "Cool cool," I also smiled. "What about you?" Bridgette returned the question.

"Uhh i'll try and be there when it starts," I replied. She nodded her head. "Cody!" someone called out. We all looked to the side and Trent was walking up to us. "You going to the party?" he asked me. I nodded my head yes. "Oh hi girls," Trent waved as he saw Bridgette and Courtney. "Hi," they both waved. "Do you still need a ride later?" Trent asked Courtney. "Yeah I do, Bridgette is going to be there early," she explained as she shook her head. "Sorry," Bridgette giggled. "I can pick you up," he smiled. "Uhh if you can sure," she smiled as well.

"I can, i'll just text you later to see if you're ready," he said. "Okay sounds good," she smiled. "Well i'll see you guys later," he waved as he walked off. Bridgette and I quickly looked at her. "You and Trent are friends?" Bridgette asked. "Kinda, we have our last class together and we were just talking," she shrugged. "I didn't know that," I also said. "Well yeah," she giggled. "Well, ima go now. See you guys at the party," I smiled. They waved and I walked off. Maybe i'll take a little nap before the party starts, or just chill and watch a movie.

Time of the party
Trent's POV

I put on some cologne and grabbed my car keys. I walked out my room and turned off all the lights before leaving my apartment. I ran to my car and quickly grabbed my phone to call Courtney. "Hello?" she answered. "Are you ready?" I asked. "Yeah I guess," she replied. "Okay, i'll be there in like 5 minutes," I said before hanging up. She sent me her address earlier and I noticed she didn't live that far from me. The drive went by fast and I pulled into her driveway 5 minutes later. "Outside," I texted her. It took her like 20 seconds and she stepped outside her house.

She got into my car and I looked over at her. She didn't seem that happy. "Hey," she said. "Hey.. are you okay?" I asked. She nodded her head. "You sure?" I asked once more. "I just don't really want to go.. but i'm going for Bridgette and Zoey," she shrugged. "Why?" I asked, she put her seatbelt on and turned to look at me. "I just don't want to see Duncan," she mumbled. I stared at her and sighed. "Honestly, I don't want to see him or Gwen either," I said. She looked at me and raised a brow. "Really? I thought you were cool with both of them," she said.

"I mean I guess I am.. but still. I still feel hurt.." I mumbled. "She swore there was nothing between them, next thing you know.. she dated him after we break up," I shrugged. "I never realized that.. i'm sorry Trent," she frowned. "It's okay.. you definitely had it worst tho.. she was your friend and he was your boyfriend.." I looked up at her. She shrugged her shoulders. "Her and I are friends again.. I cant put all the blame on her. He was the one that cheated, I just wish she didn't kiss back, that's all," she explained. We both stared out of our windows and I sighed.

"I guess we both just don't want to see them," she shrugged. "Well Im cool with Gwen I guess, I just still feel awkward and a bit betrayed when I see them," I said. "Well I just don't want to see Duncan, I hate him" she crossed her arms. I laughed and started the car again. "It'll be fine, we'll just have fun with our friends," I smiled. She smiled back and nodded her head yes. I drove off and she played some songs while I drove. My phone rang in the middle of the drive, "who is it?" I asked Courtney to check since I was driving. (drive safe kids)

She checked the phone, "it's DJ," she said. "Can you answer him, tell him i'm driving," I told her. "Hello?" she answered. "Hi DJ! It's Courtney, Trent is driving right now," she giggled. "Yeah we're on our way, he picked me up since Bridgette is already there," she explained. "Okay! See you in a bit," she smiled as she hung up. "He was just asking if you were on your way already," she giggled. "Oh okay," I laughed. We finally made it a few minutes later, just as I was pulling into the neighborhood I could already hear the music.

"That music is loud," she laughed. I laughed with her. Most of the parking spots were taken, luckily I found one right when I was about to give up. We both got out of the car and I locked it. "Don't even worry," I smiled as I patted her back. She looked over at me and smiled. "Thanks Trent," she laughed. I looked up for a second, Mike and Zoey were also arriving. "Hey Court!" Zoey shouted. "Zoey!" she yelled. The girls ran up to each other and Mike and I walked up behind them. "Hey," we both waved. "Let's go in," Zoey smiled. We headed inside, as soon as you opened the door, bright lights and lots of teens were there.

"WLECOME DUDES!" Geoff shouted, he was with Duncan and DJ by the door. "Hey man," I waved at him. DJ and I also waved at each other. Duncan just stared at me. I looked over and Court who was beside me. "Hi guys.." she waved at them. "There's Bridgette!" Zoey said to Court as they ran off. "Here," Gwen said as she handed Duncan a drink. She smiled at him then looked at me. "Oh hi Trent.." she waved. "Hey.." I waved back. Well this is awkward. "I'ma go talk to.. Owen!" I said, trying to get out the situation. I quickly ran off, awkward..

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