beach day! - ten

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Bridgette's POV

I opened my eyes and slowly sat up. I looked over, Geoff was not there. I yawned and stretched before getting up. My slippers were already there so I put them on and headed downstairs. Geoff was already there, he was cleaning around. "Goodmorning," I smiled. He looked back at me, "Goodmorning," he smiled back. "Has the guys woken up?" I asked, looking around for them. "Nope," he answered. I nodded my head and began to help him clean up. "Man this place was made a mess," I mumbled.

"My head.." Duncan said. I looked over, he was walking down the stairs. "You're up!" Geoff said in a happy tone. "Why am I here?" Duncan asked, sitting in the couch. He held his head, i'm guessing it was hurting a lot. I ran to the kitchen to grab him a pill and some water. I handed it to him as I made it back. "Thanks," he said as he grabbed it. "Well you passed out, so I told Gwen to just leave you here with me," Geoff explained. There was footsteps coming down the stairs, everyone is up now. "Oh okay, thanks man," Duncan smiled at him. "Goodmorning guys!" DJ waved. "Goodmorning DJ," I smiled.

"Well guys im going to clean, then we should head to the mall or something. It is Saturday after all," Geoff suggested. "Sounds good, we'll help you clean," DJ smiled, he then began to help clean. "Let's clean then get ready," I also began to help clean again. Duncan put his water down and got up. He also began to clean up around. The more help the quicker we'll finish and be ready.

2 hours later

"That took awhile," I laughed as I walked downstairs. It took an hour to clean and then another hour for us all to get ready. I was the last one to finish getting ready. Since the guys stay here a lot, they have clothes and stuff here at Geoff's, just like me. Duncan got up as he saw me and headed for the door. "Let's go, Gwen said she'll meet us there," Duncan said. "Courtney also agreed," I smiled. We invited a few people to go with us, so we're all going to meet up there.

We got into my car, I let Geoff drive and the guys got into the back. "Who else did we invite?" Geoff asked us. "Invited Courtney, Zoey and Mike," I answered. "I invited Gwen only," Duncan shrugged. "And I invited Trent and Cody," DJ smiled. "Why Trent?" I heard Duncan ask DJ. Geoff and I looked over at each other quickly, he looked back on the road after. "He's my friend, besides.. what's the problem with you and him?" DJ asked, he seemed a bit angry. "That's Gwen's ex?!" DJ answered his question annoyed. "You're friends with Courtney now... what's the problem?" DJ asked once again.

This time he didn't say anything. Duncan stayed quiet. "Uhh so what are you guys going to get at the mall?" I asked, trying to change the topic. "Ima get some new clothes," DJ smiled. "Same here," Duncan agreed. "I might get new hats and shoes," Geoff also smiled. "Ah nice nice," I giggled. "Gwen just texted me that she's there," Duncan told us. "We're about to get there, just tell her where to wait for us," Geoff said. He nodded his head and began to type into his phone.

At the mall
Zoey's POV

We all made it and split up. I went with the girls, Courtney, Bridgette, and Gwen. The guys went their separate way. "I need new tops," I said to them, we passed by a bunch of stores. "I need new shoes," Gwen said. "We HAVE to go to bath & body, I need new candles," Courtney smiled suggested proudly. "Oh my gosh yes!" the girls all agreed. So that was the first store we walked into. I went to look at the vanilla scents. Just as I was smelling one, I heard some familiar voices. "Sam what about this one?" Dakota asked. I saw her raising up a candle to his nose.

"That smells good," he smiled. "Another one i'll get then!" she proudly said. "Hey guys," I decided to say hi. "Oh hey," they both smiled. "That party was so much fun!" Dakota clapped her hands. "Yes it was! I danced a lot," I giggled. "Well We're going to go pay now, we'll see you around!" Dakota smiled at me before walking off with her boyfriend. He waved and I waved back. They are such a cute couple! "I already found 3," Courtney smirked as she walked by me. I laughed and went back to smelling some other candles.

At the food court

The girls and I sat down at a table. It been like 2 hours and we finsihed buying stuff. We were just waiting on the guys who were buying shoes. "This is good," Court said as she took a sip of her caramel coffee. We all got some coffee from this stand. "Switch?" I asked, showing her mine. I got a chocolate one. She agreed so we switched drinks. "It is good!" I smiled after I took a sip. We switched back and I looked at the other girls. "Geoff said they're almost done," Bridgette explained. "Good, it's getting hotter in here," Courtney fanned herself.

"We should go to the beach!" Bridgette smiled as she suggested the idea. "YES!" Courtney and I shouted. "I don't do the sun.." Gwen said slowly. "Come on!" I smiled. "Hey girls," the guys walked up to us. "Guys! Let's go to the beach," Bridgette shared the idea with the guys. Geoff and DJ smiled. "YES!" they shouted excitedly. "I'm down," Mike and Duncan said more calm. "Let's invite everyone to the beach," I said, pulling out my phone. "Make a groupchat with everyone from the party and tell them," Courtney said.

I made it and texted everyone to meet. Everyone agreed, we all were excited to go. "I need to go home and get my stuff," Courtney got up from her chair. "Let's go," I smiled, since she came with Mike and I. "Everyone meet at the beach at 3," Bridgette said one last time before we all split up again. "I actually need a beach day today," Courtney smiled. I mean who dosen't like the beach? I can't wait to surf with Geoff and DJ!

At the Beach
Izzy's POV

"NOAHHH!" I yelled, running into the living room. I had my team meet me at my place. By my team I mean Noah and Eva. But only Noah showed up. "What?" he asked annoyed. "Do you have your clothes and stuff for the beach?" I asked, he nodded his head yes. "Yes it's in the car," he pointed out. "I'm packing water guns, water balloons, and a bottle," I smirked. "A BOTTLE?!" Noah yelled shocked. I rolled my eyes. "Empty soda bottle! We can play spin the bottle," I laughed. "Oh.. I thought you were going to get people to drink," he slowly laughed awkwardly. "Let's go!" I smiled. We still had to go pick up Eva.

Since Noah drove to my house we're taking his car. "Call Eva," Noah said, driving off. I called her and she answered. "What," she replied. "We're going! Be ready," I smirked. "Okay then," she said then hung up. "Well damn, she hung up right away," Noah glared at my phone. I laughed and played some music. Owen texted me, "are you coming?" he asked. "BINGO" I texted. We made it to Eva's and she got on. A few minutes later we made it to the beach and he parked. We grabbed our stuff and walked over to everyone that was there already.

"Hey guys!" Owen shouted as we walked over to them. "BIG O!" I yelled, running to him. I dropped my stuff and jumped onto him. "Woah iz!" he laughed. He hugged me tightly and then put me down. I looked back at Noah and Eva, Eva picked up my stuff. She brought it over to our spot and put it down with her stuff. "OOO WATER!" I yelled as I ran to the water. Time for the beach!

word count: 1380

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