True feelings - twenty

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2 hours later

We were all sitting in the room when a doctor came in. "Are you guys here for Courtney?" he asked. Everyone got up quickly. "Yes we are! Is she okay?" Bridgette spoke up first. "She finally woke up, but we had to stitch up where she hurt herself," the doctor explained. "Can she remember? Most hits cause people to forget.." Noah asked. "Yes she can, well she just doesn't remember what happened exactly," the doctor answered his question. "Can we go in?" Zoey asked with a worried face. "Two at a time," he said. "You girls first.." Geoff smiled. The girls smiled back and followed the doctor. The rest of us sat down.

"I'll go in next," Duncan quickly said. "No I am," Scott glared at him. "Guys. Not the time," Geoff said. They both rolled their eyes. "Duncan said it first, I'll go with him so you both don't argue infront of her," I said. Duncan smiled and Scott rolled his eyes at me. "I'll go with Scott," Noah said. It took the girls a few minutes to come back and then Duncan and I went in. We made it to the door and slowly opened the door. Duncan was the one who opened it so he stepped in first. "Duncan?" Courtney asked. When she saw me she smiled. "DJ!" she smiled. "Hi," I smiled back. "You had us worried," I laughed a bit. "Hehe sorry DJ, thanks for coming tho," she smiled. Duncan walked over to her quickly. "Do you feel okay?" he asked a bit worried.

"Yes i'm fine," she said. She was about to lift up her arm but quickly put it down. "Ouch!" she said. "You need help?" he asked quickly. "I just had to scratch my arm but my whole body is sore.." she mumbled. Duncan quickly helped her and backed up a little. "What even happened? Bridgette told me you were there," Courtney asked him. He explained the story to her and she looked confused still. "I don't remember all of that, I remember running but my mind goes blank after that," she explained her side. "All that matters is you're okay now.." he mumbled. I smiled a bit as I watched them. "Duncan why are you being so nice?" she asked him.

"Because I care about you Courtney. I know our past is messed up but i'll always care about you, you had me worried," he frowned. "Duncan.." she mumbled. "Duncan we should let the others get a turn now," I interrupted them. Duncan looked back at me and nodded his head. "I'll come back later Courtney, just remember what I just told you," he said. She nodded her head and smiled. He walked over to me and we left back into the waiting room. The hallway was really cold, another reason why I hated hospitals. But hey, I need to check on my friend Courtney.

Trent's POV

"Here," I handed Justin and Harold each a water bottle. The guys and I came to my house since the whole camping trip didn't work. "How do you guys think Courtney is doing?" Justin asked. "I don't know man, hope she's okay," I said. "Same," Harold agreed with me. "By the way, where's Cody?" I asked them. He was supposed to come with us but he didn't. "Oh he's at Izzy's," Harold answered my question. Oh that's right, he got a ride from them. Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at it and it was DJ. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey Trent," he replied. "Just wanted to update you, we're here at the hospital. Courtney woke up and she's okay, she's still very sore though," he updated me. "That's great news," I smiled. The guys looked at me and smiled at each other. "She's able to take visitors, so if you want to come," he said.

"I'll go later with whoever wants to come, thanks DJ," I smiled and hung up. "She's okay," I informed them. They smiled and nodded their heads. "You're going to go see her?" they asked. I nodded my head yes. "You can head there then, i'm going home to shower and i'll go later," Justin explained as he got up from the couch. "Yeah same here," Harold also got up. "I'll take you home," Justin said to him. "Okay guys, then we'll see each other there," I smiled. I walked them to the door and closed the door. Maybe i'll shower quickly before I go. I headed into my room to grab some clothes, I placed them on the bed and headed into the bathroom to shower. Once I finished showering, I headed back into my room to change and finished getting ready.

I grabbed my house and car keys and started driving away. A few minutes into the drive I got a call, I quickly looked down at my phone and saw it was Heather. "Hello?" I answered as I put the phone on speaker and put it down. "Hey! Are you going to the hospital?" she asked. "Yeah heading there right now," I answered her question. "Could you pick me up? DJ called me to tell me and he mentioned you were going," she explained. "Oh yeah I am. Send me your address and I'll pick you up right now," I told her. "Okay thanks," she said before hanging up. My music started playing again once she hung up. I looked at the message she sent me and put the directions on so I could drive there. About 5 minutes later I made it to her house.

She was already outside and walked up to my car. "Hi," she got into the car. "Hey," I smiled. Heather put her seatbelt and I drove off. "It's a good thing she finally woke up.." she mumbled. I nodded my head in agreement. "Everyone was worried for her," I added. "I know I was, we're not the best of friends but I do care about her," she crossed her arms and looked out the window. Hearing that made me smile. "I'm glad you're being more nicer to people," I smiled. She didn't say anything so I smiled even more. Although her or anyone else will say it.. we've all became closer since total drama.

word count: 1051

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