detention - four

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Owen's pov

I arrived to cooking class, Ezekiel, Sadie, Katie, Lindsay, and Tyler were there. "Hey guys!" I smiled as I walked in. "Hi Owen!" they smiled back. "Owen!" someone said from behind me. I looked back and saw DJ. "HI!" I smiled as I hugged him. "Ooo you're an amazing cook! I can't wait to taste what you make," I cheered.

During TDA, DJ was cooking for us and it was AMAZING! Especially his sandwiches. "Oh hey Zoey!" I heard DJ say. I looked over, Zoey from TDROTI was there. "Hi DJ! Hi Owen!" she smiled. "Hi!" I smiled back. "How was total drama?" I asked. "It was fun!" she smiled. "Hi everyone," someone said. We looked over, it was Cameron. "Oh hey!" we all smiled.

"Where is the teacher? Class is starting soon," DJ asked. "Who knows," I shrugged. Suddenly Chris walked in. "Chef will be your teacher, but he is currently stopping a fight," Chris explained. "A fight?!" everyone asked surprised. "Yes a fight," he said. Jo was about to run the class when he stopped her. "Nope! As much as we all want to see, you guys need to stay here," he glared at us. "Since when are you caring?" Zoey asked. "Since I became a principal. Now take your seats he should be back any minute now," he said before leaving.

DJ, Zoey, Cam, and I all sat at a table together. "I wonder who was fighting," I said. Zoey's phone buzzed. She looked at it then gasped. "Well now we know! It was Duncan and Courtney!" she explained. "Duncan hit a girl?!" everyone shouted. Her phone buzzed again. "No no! Courtney started hitting him and he pushed her off, then they pulled them away from each other," she read. "Who's telling you all of this?" DJ asked. "Bridgette," she giggled.

"Well, looks like drama class was fun!" I laughed. They laughed as well. "I wonder what kind of punishment they'll get," DJ mumbled. "Knowing chef, maybe they'll have a bad one," I shrugged. "Guess we'll have to wait and see," Cam said. "Looks like everyone is here, let's start," Chef said as he walked. He looked a bit annoyed. "Can't wait to eat!" I whispered to DJ. We both laughed.

A few minutes before the fight..
Courtney's pov

"Okay class! It's been enough time, who would like to go first?" the teacher asked. No one raised their hand. "Okay... I guess i'll pick random," she said. She looked around at all of us. "How bout you!" the teacher pointed at me. "I don't know what to act out.." I mumbled. "You can't think of anything? Maybe.. an argument with a friend? Or losing a pet? Something?" she asked. "Or like.. when you got all dramatic in World Tour?" Duncan chuckled.

"I'm dramatic for being hurt over you cheating on me with my friend?! Dramatic for getting my heart broken by someone who I actually cared about?!" I yelled at him. He went from laughing to serious. "I don't know how many times I need to get it in your head that I wasn't overreacting! Imagine dating someone you actually really like and they cheat on you with your friend," I glared at him. "I may have been a pushy and dramatic girlfriend sometimes but I didn't deserve to be treated like that, especially on TV," I crossed my arms.

"Goodjob Courtney!" the teacher clapped. Everyone else started clapping except for Gwen, Duncan, and Bridgette. I slowly looked around confused. "Wait! No no no! I wasn't going to act that!" I yelled. "That was amazing, you showed some real emotions there!" she smiled. I looked at Gwen and Bridgette who were looking at me worried. I grabbed my stuff then started walking away. I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around to see Duncan. "I'm sorry.." he mumbled. I pushed him off of me.

"Don't touch me! I'm dramatic remember," I mumbled annoyed. "You clearly are.. do you not see yourself about to run out the class over this," he shrugged. that is it. I smacked him in the face and he fell. "I'M SO TIRED OF YOU!" I yelled. I punched him in his chest several times. He pushed me off of him and I was about to hit him again when someone grabbed me. It was Alejandro. Gwen quickly ran up to Duncan to help him. "Calm down.." he mumbled as he hugged him.

The teacher was outside trying to call someone. "I HATE YOU!" I yelled one last time before I hugged Alejandro. "Okay you two, with me,"
someone said. My wrist was grabbed, I looked at who it was. Chef. He dragged us to Chris's office and left us in there. He stormed out and seconds later Chris walked in. "Looks you guys are still at it," he laughed. I glared at him. "Okay, well you guys still need to get punished. Detention today and tomorrow, and during detention you two must clean the whole cafeteria," he said. "COME ON!" I yelled as I crossed my arms annoyed.

"No way am I gonna do that with Ms Dramatic here," Duncan said. "Ha, like I wanna do this with you," I rolled my eyes. "I don't care what you guys want. Chef will be watching you guys making sure you do it right," he said. "Now go to class before I make it a week. I don't want you see you guys in here again," he ordered. I stormed out the room first. This is so stupid! It's his fault we have to do all of this now.

After school
Duncan's pov

Geoff, DJ, and I walked to the door. "Damn brah, well goodluck with her right now," Geoff placed his arm on my shoulder. "It's only the first day and you guys are at each others necks, already got into detention," DJ sighed. "Not my fault," I rolled my eyes. "You do start the problems.." Geoff mumbled. I glared at the both of them and they backed away from me. "Okay maybe we should get going.." they said before running out the school. Stupid school, stupid chris, stupid drama class.

I felt someone hug me. I quickly looked, it was Gwen. "Oh hi," I said. "Hey! Good luck in detention, try not to mess with Courtney," she said. "I'll try," I shrugged. She nodded then kisses my cheek before walking away. She walked out the school doors. "I know it's so annoying, but after i'm done with this i'll head to your place so we can go to the mall," I heard someone say. I turned around, Courtney and Bridgette were heading over to the door. She saw me then rolled her eyes. "Alright, bye Courtney!" Bridgette smiled.

Bridgette looked at me then stopped. "Duncan have you seen Geoff?" she asked. "He just left school with DJ, they should be outside," I shrugged. "Alright thanks, well bye you two," she smiled. "Let's get this over with," she rolled her eyes as soon as Bridgette walked out. We walked to the cafeteria, it was empty and Chef was waiting there with two buckets. "Here, inside is the stuff you'll need," he said as she handed us the stuff. Great, today has been so amazing.

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