drama in drama - three

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Noah's pov

High school. The lamest place ever. School may be my thing but I have to deal with the idiots who are my classmates. We have the bad boy Duncan, queen b Heather, CIT Courtney, stalker Sierra, and more. Only person I can somewhat talk to now is Owen.

"Noah!" he yelled. Speak of the devil. "Hi Owen," I tried to not sound annoyed. He's annoying but at the same time the only person who somewhat gets me. "I missed you my little buddy," he hugged me. "Okay maybe let's not get touchy!" I yelled. He let go then giggled. "Sorry Noah, I missed you," he smiled. "Hey guys!" someone yelled. We looked over and saw Tyler. "Have you seen linds?" he asked.

"I saw her walking down the hall with beth," I answered. He quickly thanked us and ran down the hall. "What class do you have?" Owen asked me. "Chemistry how bout you?" I answered his question. "I have Drama," he said. "Well then see you later, i'm heading to class," I pointed down the hallway. "See you!" he yelled. I walked down the hallway, taking a guess my class is down here. Would you look at that, I was right. I walked, to my surprise I saw Heather, Beth, Eva, Harold, and Sam.

Both Harold and Sam were talking to each other. Nerds. Heather glared at me then quickly went on her phone. This bitch. I ignored it then took a seat away from them. This is gonna be a long day.

At Lunch
Geoff's pov

Duncan and I both walked into the cafeteria together. As soon as we entered, DJ waved. We walked over to him, we sat at the table he picked. "What up my brothers?" DJ smiled. "Yo, let's pretend what happened during Bio never happened.." Duncan said, looking to our left. I looked over, Gwen was walking over. "Got it," DJ and I agreed. "Hey babe," Duncan smirked. "Hey," Gwen smiled. She sat next to him, they kissed and DJ and I looked away quickly.

"Hey babe," Bridgette hugged me. I looked up at her, we also kissed quickly. "I'll be with Courtney and Zoey if you need me," she smiled, pointing to where Zoey was sitting. I looked back, Courtney was standing behind Bridgette. She was looking away from Duncan and Gwen. "Okay babe," I smiled back. They walked off and joined Zoey at the table she was sitting at with Mike. "Hey guys," Trent sat with us.

"Hey," we all said. "Whats your next class?" Trent asked us. "Drama," Duncan and Gwen both said. "English," I replied. "Cooking," DJ said. "I also have Drama," Trent added. "Yikes, Drama is a good name for the class," DJ whispered to me. I laughed, agreeing with him. "I'ma go talk to Bridgette," I said, getting up from the table. "You litteraly just talked to her," Duncan stared at me.

"I know but I miss her," I frowned. He rolled his eyes and turned back to Gwen. I walked over the table they were sitting at. "Hey," I smiled as I sat next to Bridgette. "Hi babe, meet Zoey and Mike," Bridgette introduced me to them. I knew who they were but we never talked. "Hi," I smiled. "Hi!" they both waved. "What class do you guys have next?" Courtney asked.

"English," Mike and I both said. "Cooking," Zoey replied. "You and I both got Drama," Bridgette laughed. Oh shoot, there is totally gonna be drama in drama class. "Oh.. uh... I'll be back!" I said, I got up and ran over to the guys table. "Well.. drama will be fun..." I laughed nervously. "Why?" Duncan asked with an annoyed look. "Courtney and Bridgette have that class..." I smiled awkwardly. Gwen rolled her eyes, meanwhile Duncan sorta smiled but quickly stopped. "It's fine, we'll just ignore her," Gwen said.

"But why do you hate her so bad is my question? It should be her hating you," DJ asked. "Do you remember All Stars? She betrayed me and lied to me about wanting to get in the finals together," Gwen said. "That's not as bad as stuff Heather and Alejandro did," I jumped into the conversation. She stayed silent. Duncan on the other hand rolled his eyes. "And why do you hate her Duncan?" DJ asked him. Duncan looked up at us, "I don't," he said. "You don't?!" all three of us repeated. Gwen looked pissed, DJ and I were surprised.

"I have no reason to," Duncan looked at Gwen. Gwen let go of his hand then got up. "I guess you're right, but you aren't going to leave me for her are you?" she asked. "No," Duncan mumbled. "Fine, Drama i'll talk to her, you guys are right," Gwen sighed. The bell for next class rang. "Wow, lunch went by that fast?!" I asked surprised. "I guess so," DJ laughed. "Ima walk Bridgette to class, see you bruh!" I said to the guys as I ran off.

Duncan's pov

Gwen and I stepped inside the theater room. There was so many chairs in there, the drama teacher was standing on the stage. "Welcome, take a seat wherever," she smiled. We looked around then sat in the back. Courtney and Bridgette walked in next, they looked at us and Courtney quickly looked away. Bridgette pulled her by her arm to the other side of the room. "Should we talk to her now?" Gwen asked me. The teacher left backstage, well we are alone. I nodded my head yes so we walked over to them.

Courtney saw us coming then quickly groaned. "Hey.." Gwen smiled. "Yes?" Courtney asked, she didn't seem to happy. I smirked at her behind Gwen. "Look, I just wanna apologize for all this that happened after All Stars. I was mad over that stupid chart, but it was childish of me," Gwen said. Courtney and Bridgette looked at each other. "It's alright, i'm sorry about the chart.... again.. even though you didn't accept my apology the first time," Courtney giggled. "It's okay, at least you didn't do anything as bad as Alejandro or Heather," Gwen smiled. She looked back at me.

"And you?" Gwen asked. "What about me?" I glared at her. "Aren't you going to apologize to her or something," Gwen asked. "I have nothing to apologize for," I rolled my eyes. "Just leave it, he's a heartless jerk," Courtney glared at me. "No offense since you two are still dating.." Courtney mumbled. "It's alright, well we'll go now," Gwen said. "Wait, sit with us," Bridgette smiled. Gwen looked at me then smiled, she sat down next to Courtney. "I don't want any part in this," I rolled my eyes. I walked away and sat where Gwen and I were originally sitting.

The rest of the class slowly showed up. Alejandro, Heather, Trent, Cody, Noah, Dakota, and Dawn were in here as well. The classes had to be made smaller since there aren't a lot of us. "Okay class, today you will be acting out one of the moments in your life that hurt you, that made you sad," the teacher explained. I heard Alejandro chuckle before looking over at Courtney then me. "Well I know what Courtney is going to act out," Noah whispered to Trent. Courtney glared at the class before looking back at the teacher. "You have 20 minutes to come up with something," she said again.

She stepped back stage, leaving all of us in our seats. I got up and walked over to Gwen. "So what are you going to act out?" I asked. "Probably what happened in tdi with Trent and Heather," she shrugged. "Oh," I mumbled. She turned to Bridgette and Courtney. "And you guys?" Gwen asked. "Probably in the aftermath when I had to sing to Geoff," Bridgette shrugged. "I think maybe when I was little and my dog ran away," Courtney said. I chuckled a bit, she glared at me. "What's funny?" she asked. "You sure you won't recreate World Tour," I laughed.

"Oh haha, you don't know what pain I went through and you laugh," she glared at me. I rolled my eyes at her. Gwen looked at the both of us then Bridgette. "Better start practicing what you decide to do heartless jerk," Courtney rolled her eyes. I glared at her then walked back to my seat. On my way back, I saw Alejandro talking to Trent. Suspicious..

word count: 1413

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