Truth? - eighteen

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Noah's POV

Everyone split up and went in different groups. I went with Izzy and Eva. Or as Izzy likes to call us, team e-scope. "Alright! We'll collect the most wood guys!" Izzy cheered as she skipped ahead of us. "I don't care if we do or don't," I yawned. "WELL WE ARE!" Izzy yelled. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Listen to Izzy, Noah," Eva said. I glared at her and I heard Izzy chuckle ahead of us. "HAHA!" Izzy laughed at me. "STICKS!" Izzy yelled as she picked up some. "I can carry the big heavy ones," Eva said to us. Izzy handed me some and I carried what I could. "Noah carries the light ones, Izzy the medium ones, and I'll carry the heavy ones," Eva ordered again. I rolled my eyes.

I looked over to see Duncan, Geoff, and DJ. They were arguing over who carries the wood for them. DJ took the wood from both of them. Eva and I noticed it together and laughed. A few minutes later we collected what we could and headed back to the campsite. When we made it, only a few people were there. "How long does grabbing wood take?" Trent asked. "Some of them aren't strong enough, like Lindsay," Izzy said as she sat down by the logs. "The shade," Jo burst out laughing. "What shade?" Courtney asked as her and her her group join us. She went with Bridgette, Zoey, and Gwen. "Nothinggg" Izzy giggled.

"WE MADE IT!" Geoff cheered as him, Duncan and DJ made it with the rest of us. I noticed as Gwen and Duncan stared at each other. But Gwen quickly turned to look at Zoey. Now that I think about it, these two haven't spoken the whole time. I'm not going to say it out loud but I know one of these nosey people are going to call them out. Or maybe I should ask Gwen. I walked over to her and Zoey. "Hey," I waved as I joined them. "Oh hey," Zoey smiled. "Hey.." Gwen slowly said. "I noticed your seemed a little down, everything okay?" I asked Gwen. She nodded her head. "Yeah..!" she said. Who is she trying to fool.

"Come on you can tell me," I smiled. "Just don't tell anyone, only Zoey, Bridgette, Geoff, and Mike know," she whispered. I nodded my head. "Duncan and I broke up," she whispered again. "Why?!" I asked shocked. I mean I saw it coming but at the same time I didn't. "He's so controlling to be honest.. and I overheard something but overall.. he likes Courtney. But you can't say anything," she explained. "Okay I won't," I nodded my head. I mean who am I gonna tell? Courtney would flip out. Heather would tell everyone. Izzy is crazy and Eva would not care.

Soon everyone made it back and we started the fire. "Let's play a game since the sun is going down! Everyone sit around the fire," Geoff said. Everyone slowly gathered around. I was in between Heather and Eva. "What should we play?" Bridgette asked. "Truth or Dare!" lots of people shouted. "Okay truth or dare it is," he laughed. "I'll start! Truth or Dare.. Lindsay?" Bridgette started off. "Umm, truth," she picked. "Hmm.. is it true you really hate Heather?" Bridgette asked. Heather rolled her eyes which made me laugh. "Not anymore, season 1 was so long ago! I forgive you Hannah," Lindsay smiled. "It's Heather," Heather said. "Oops! Well, Truth or Dare.. Tyson!" Lindsay smiled as she hugged her boyfriend.

Courtney's POV

"Babe it's Tyler! But Dare," Tyler sighed. "I dare you to kiss me," Lindsay giggled. She's so innocent. They began to make out and everyone started looking away. "Okay okay that's enough!" Beth said to the two of them, she was right beside Linds. "Okay uh.. Katie, Truth or Dare?" Tyler picked. "Truth!" Katie smiled. "Who is your fav person in total drama?" Tyler asked. "Sadie is too easy, she's my bestie! So I would say... DJ! He's a sweet guy and an awesome cook," Katie explained. She smiled as she looked at him. I was beside Zoey and DJ. So I looked over at him. He smiled back at her. "Thanks," he said. "Truth or Dare.. Alejandro," Katie picked. "Hmm, Dare," he pushed his hair back. "I dare you to.. kiss whoever you think is the hottest girl," she smirked.

Alejandro got up and walked over to... me?? He kissed my cheek and I backed away after. "Oh okay.." I mumbled. Scott was across from me. He stared at me a bit upset. "Truth or Dare, Duncan," Alejandro asked. Duncan looked up shocked. "Truth," he shrugged. Alejandro smirked. "Why have you and Gwen not spoken this whole time?" Alejandro asked. Duncan glared at him. I then looked over at Gwen, she was looking down at her feet. "I don't owe you an explanation," Duncan glared at him even more. "It's the game!" Alejandro smiled. "I bet they broke up," Jo laughed. "Wait they definitely did!" Izzy said super shocked. Gwen looked up upset.

"Will you all shut up!? Yes we broke up, happy??" Duncan yelled pissed off. My eyes widened as I heard this. "WHAT?" most people yelled shocked. Trent and I looked at each other real quick. He then looked over at Gwen. I looked over at Duncan. He was annoyed. "Let's just continue.. jeez. Truth or Dare.. Scott?" he asked. "Dare," Scott yawned. "I dare you to head into the woods alone for 5 minutes. No flashlight, no phone, nothing," Duncan smirked. "Duncan!" I yelled. It's getting dark, he could get lost with no way to contact us or no light. "A dare is a dare!" Duncan smirked. "That's easy!" Jo said. "Yeah I agree," Alejandro said as well. "It's dangerous!" Bridgette added.

Soon enough everyone started saying different things. It was a huge argument. "STOP! I'm doing it," Scott got up. "SCOTT!" I yelled. "It's okay, i'll be fine," he tried to convince me. I sighed and nodded my head. He handed me his phone and started walking. "I'll be back soon," he said as he left the campsite. "What if he gets lost?" I asked. "Oh well, why do you care about him anyway?" Duncan asked. "He's my friend," I glared at Duncan. He rolled my eyes as I said it. "If he doesn't come back it's Duncan's fault," Heather added. "He did it on his own!" Duncan rolled his eyes. "Who dares someone to do that?" Bridgette also said. "It's not that deep!" Jo sided with Duncan. This is turning into straight up arguments.

Cody's POV

Everyone was arguing about the situation meanwhile Trent and I were just quiet. "These people keep arguing," I mumbled. "I know.." he mumbled back. "Tell me about it," DJ joined us. "Oh hey DJ," we both said. "Sup," he smiled. "JUST SHUT UP!" Izzy yelled at them. Oh snap, even Izzy got tired of them. Noah busted out laughing. "You guys pissed off the crazy person," he laughed. Eva joined in. "Why don't we all go to the woods?" Izzy smirked. "Oh hell no!" Courtney protested. "Yeah no way am I going in there," Heather crossed her arms. "Chicken?" Alejandro asked. "No!" Heather glared at him. "It's scary," Sierra shook her head. "Would you guys go?" I asked DJ and Trent. "Hell no!" DJ shook his head. "I mean i'm down," Trent smiled. "You're crazy!" DJ said. We all laughed at DJ. Suddenly there was some sounds behind us. The three of us looked at each other then looked behind us.

Everyone else was yelling so they couldn't really hear it. "You heard that..?" I whispered quietly. The bushes started moving and there was a sound.. it sounded like a bear. "Is that a bear..?" DJ whispered super afraid. In the bush next to it, there was also sound. I quickly looked over at everyone. No one was missing so no one could be pulling a prank on us. I looked back to the sounds and noticed a guy with a bat behind a tree. "I know you see that.." I mumbled to the guys. The three of us slowly got up and started walking backwards. "AHHHHH!" we yelled afraid. "WHAT?" the rest of the group asked. Suddenly the beat jumped out the bush and ran towards us. "GRRRRR!" it yelled. "AHHHHHHHHH!" the whole group started to yell at freak out.

"BEARRRRR!!" Lindsay ran off with Tyler and Beth.
That's when everyone began to ran away. Trent, DJ, and I ran away from the campsite. NO WAY AM I GOING TO LET A BEAR EAT ME. OR A CRAZY GUY WITH A BAT READY TO GET US. I tripped as I was running but DJ and Trent kept running. Suddenly I was helped up and we ran together. I looked over and saw it was Sierra. "HURRY!" she yelled. We ran as fast as we could, no way is this happening!

word count: 1501

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