PARTY TIME! - eight

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Alejandro's POV

I made my way through everyone, Geoff's party sure is busy. Everyone showed up. Suddenly someone bumped into me, I almost fell but caught myself. "Watch it," the person said. My eyebrows raised, this person literally bumped into me. "Excuse me?" I asked as I turned around, and there she stood. Heather. "Ew it's you," she rolled her eyes. I rolled mine back. "You're saying watch it but you literally bumped into me," I glared at her. The bright party lights were spinning everywhere. "Whatever," she said as she walked off.

Ugh. I walked to the table where the punch was it. "Hi Alejandro," someone said. I looked over as I poured some juice into my cup. Owen was standing there. "Oh hi," I said. "Have you seen Izzy?" he asked. I shook my head no. "Oh okay, thanks anyway," he smiled before walking off. I shrugged and took my drink. Everyone was either dancing or playing cup pong or just talking on the sides. I looked around, I saw Zoey and Mike dancing, infront of them was Courtney and Bridgette laughing. Across from them was Duncan, Geoff, DJ, and Gwen.

The tension is so high. I walked off and ended up finding Trent. "Hey there," I said. I've never spoken to him. He looked at me and waved. "Oh hi," he said. "Trent.. right?" I asked. "Yep, nice to meet you Alejandro," he smiled. "Why aren't you dancing with anyone?" I asked, looking over at everyone that was on the dance floor. "Eh, i'll dance later," he shrugged. "Oh ok, well ima go dance," I waved as I walked off. I need to start talking to people i've never spoken to before. My thoughts had me so caught up that I bumped into someone.

"Woah," I caught whoever was about to fall. I looked at them, she was really tan and had really dark purplish hair. "Hey watch where- Oh hey," she changed what she was about to say. I helped her up and she smiled at me. "Hey you're cute," she winked. "You aren't too bad yourself," I smirked. Hmmm, new girl? "Wanna dance with me?" she giggled. "I'd be honored," I took her hand. She dragged me to the middle and we began to dance. "SHA-YEAH!" Lightning shouted as he danced next to us. "This is a cool party!" Justin also yelled as he danced beside us.

Harold's POV

"Join us Harold!" Cody shouted at me. Justin, Cody, Trent, and I were on the dance floor. They were dancing but I was debating if I should join or not. "Harold!" someone else shouted, followed by a tight hug. I looked over my shoulder, Leshawna was the one there. "Leshawna!" I smiled at her. "Come dance with me hun," she smiled back. I looked at the guys. They have me thumbs up right away. "O-ok!" I stuttered.. she makes me nervous. She pulled me over and we began to dance.

"ALRIGHT HAROLD!" Geoff shouted, him and Bridgette began dancing beside us. "Oh hey man," I smiled. "Hi guys!" Bridgette also smiled. "This is a fun party Geoff!" Leshawna said. "Thanks I try," he laughed. "Everyone seems to be having fun," Bridgette also added. "I know we are," I spoke for Leshawna and I. "Thanks guys!" he smiled. "We should play truth or drink in the backyard," he smirked. "Ooo sounds good to me," Leshawna also smirked. "I'll gather some people, meet in the back," he told us. Leshawna agreed and I headed to the backyard with her.

As we took a seat by the fire pit, I heard Geoff. Where did this man get a microphone?? "Hey guys! Thanks for coming by the way, we're about to start a game in the back, truth or drink!" he yelled. "Anyone is welcome to join!" he yelled again. A few people came outside and we all sat around the fire. It was Leshawna, Geoff, Bridgette, Izzy, Owen, Heather, Zoey, Cody, Courtney, Mike, Duncan, DJ, Scott, Dawn, Trent, Alejandro, Jo and I. Everyone else was inside still dancing and talking. "Alright guys! I'll start," Geoff said.

He looked around at everyone. "Heather," he started off. Her eyes widened and quickly glared at him. "Do you like anyone at school?" he asked. She rolled her eyes. "No," she answered. "No lying either," he added. "I'M NOT!" she yelled. "Mhm.." he questioned it. She rolled her eyes again and looked around. "Gwen," she said. Gwen was not phased. "Why did you get back with Duncan? You said you didn't like him when you talked to Courtney," she questioned her. Courtney and Trent were the ones more shocked. Duncan glared at her.

"I gained feelings again," Gwen shrugged her shoulders. "As soon as Courtney betrayed you?" Heather chuckled. "Stop talking about it, I answered your question." Gwen glared at her. Heather rolled her eyes and sat back. "Scott," Gwen choose him. He pointed at himself in shock. "Do you still like Courtney?" she asked. "No i'm over that," he gave Courtney a death stare. "Good," Courtney laughed. Scott glared at her before looking around. "Uh Jo," he said. She looked at him confused. "Why aren't you ever nice?" he asked annoyed. "Looks who is talking," she laughed at him. Leshawna giggled a bit beside me.

"I don't like any of you," she answered his question. "Then why are you here?" Heather asked annoyed. "I just know there's going to be an argument," Jo laughed. "Speaking of which, Trent," Jo picked him. He looked at her shocked. "How do you really feel about Gwen and Duncan dating," she asked. Everyone turned to look at him. Trent looked around at everuone staring at him. He looked over at Gwen and Duncan, Duncan was glaring at him.. meanwhile Gwen looked upset. "I'll drink.." he mumbled, taking a sip of his cup.

Courtney's POV

Poor Trent. I know the answer but I don't think he wants everyone to know that yet. Although almost everyone knows the answer by now, who wouldn't feel betrayed. I heard Duncan mumble something under his breath, it was followed by Gwen punching him right after. I glared back at him, he noticed and gave me a confused look. I rolled my eyes and got up from where I was sitting. "I'm just going to head inside," I said to them, my body turned away and I headed back inside. Stepping inside the house again, all you could smell was the smell of food, alcohol, and just a bunch of cologne/perfume.

I decided to grab a drink, even though I don't really drink. "Woah you drink?" somebody asked me. Sounds like Noah. "Yes," I replied as I turned around. I was correct. "Didn't think you did," he laughed. "Well I do," I rolled my eyes. He looked outside and turned back to me. "Weren't you outside with them?" he asked. "I was.. but I don't want to play that anymore," I answered his question. He raised a brow. "Let me guess, most questions are about the whole situation with you, Duncan, Gwen and Trent?" he too a guess. "Yes actually.." I laughed. "Figured, that's all everyone talks about," he rolled his eyes.

"I know, it's getting old. Can people just let it go," I sighed. "Unfortunately they can't, they just want to cause problems," he said. I nodded my head in agreement. "That's true, like I just want to let it go once and for all.. I already made up with Gwen," I explained. He took a sip of his drink and turned back to look outside. "Honestly.. Duncan is the problem," he laughed. I joined in. "He really is," I laughed even more. Soon we both were laughing way to hard. "At least you get it," I smiled. "Those were my thoughts the whole time," he also smiled. Never thought Noah and I would get along, he's always been very serious and sarcastic.

"Want to dance?" I asked. "Why not, I would usually say no but you're cool I guess," he tried to hide his smile. I laughed and put my drink down. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom," I pointed behind me. He nodded his head. "I'll wait by the speakers," he gave me a thumbs up. I grabbed my drink and headed to the bathroom. Right when I turned the corner I noticed him there. Duncan. He was standing there with his arms crossed. "Cant stop talking about me huh?" he glared. "What?" I asked comfused. "I heard what you said about me with Noah," he said annoyed. "First of all, weren't you outside?" I asked confused.

"I was but I came for the bathroom, you and Noah didn't even notice me walk in," he rolled his eyes. "Okay.. well second of all, so what? We weren't lying were we?" I crossed my arms. He glared at me. "I wasn't the problem, it was you," he said. "OKAY THEN WHY DIDNT YOU BREAK UP WITH ME?!" I yelled at him. He went from glaring to just a normal stare, no emotion was shown. "How many times are we going to argue about this Duncan! I just need you to understand that I didn't deserve that.." I said, my eyes began to get watery. "I know how I began to act wasn't right, i'm sorry. But that dosen't mean I deserved to be cheated on," I sighed. Out of no where I was brought in to a hug. A hug from him.

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