feelings - twelve

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Eva's POV

"One last spin!" Izzy said as she spun the bottle. It slowly landed and it pointed at... ME. I looked at her and she smirked. Shit, my face is definitely red. "KISS! KISS! KISS!" everyone started to cheer. Noah was next to me, he elbowed me and I looked at him. He smirked. "Okay Eva!" Izzy got closer to me. She was about to kiss me when someone shouted. "A BUG!" Lindsay yelled as she jumped into Tyler's arms. "A BUG?!? WHERE!!" DJ got up and ran away.

"AHHH!" everyone else started freaking out. Izzy turned around and ran over to the bug. I got up and walked off, mainly cause I didn't want to kiss Izzy. That could be risky.. "Eva!" Noah yelled. I turned back, he was running after me. "Why'd you walk off?" he asked. I shrugged. "I don't know.." I mumbled. "Did you want that kiss to happen?" he asked. I shrugged once again. "I don't know to be honest," I sighed.

"Like.. I wanted to.. but I didn't want her to know I wanted a kiss.. she doesn't know I like her." I explained. "Honestly.. I guess that was for the best that the kiss got cut off," he said. "EVA! NOAH!" a few people called us. He looked at me. "Let's go back," he said. I nodded my head and we walked back to everyone else. "We're all gonna build sand castles!" Lindsay smiled. "Okay," I laughed. Noah and I joined Izzy who was trying to build a big one. Heather and Alejandro were beside us. She was trying to get rid of him but he wouldn't leave her alone.

Scott's POV

Everyone decided to start building sand castles. But I didn't want to join, so I sat by the water. The sun was slowly going down, making the sky turn it a pinkish orange color. It was quite pretty. "HEYY!!" Courtney yelled at someone. "I TRIPPED!" Duncan yelled back. I looked back, Duncan fell on her sand castle. Gwen was laughing behind them. "Ugh!" Courtney rolled her eyes. She got up and walked back to the coolers. Should I talk to her..? Wait, but I don't like her. Why would I want to talk to her.. or do I like her..?

I got up and walked over to her. She looked at me weirdly. "What?" she asked. "Uh.. so I heard you were running for class pres.." I mumbled. She nodded her head. "Yeah I heard you were too," she crossed her arms. "I am.. good luck," I smiled slowly. She looked at me and smiled a bit too. "Yeah good luck," she said back. "I sure got some competition," I laughed. She laughed as well. "Well I have been wanting this since high school started," she shrugged. "Same here," I mumbled.

"Well then, may the best one win," I put my hand in front of her. She looked at it and shook it. "Let's fix your sand castle," I pointed back to everyone else. She smiled and got up. We walked back over to everyone else who was still building their sand castles. Duncan glared at me as we walked by them. Maybe it is time I made up with her.. I guess deep down.. I still like her a little.

Monday Morning
Noah's POV

"Goodmorning students!" Chris announced on the intercom. Oh great, morning announcements. "Today is Monday! This week we have some exciting events! This Friday you seniors will be voting for a class president! Along with a vice one," he said. I smirked. Nevermind, I forgot I was running for Vice President. "Your two classmates for president are... Courtney Satella and Scott Lantz!" he announced. I was in the hallway, so everyone started talking about it right away. "For Vice.. we have Noah Sterecra and Cameron Wilkins!" he said again.

The kids in the hallway looked at me and clapped. "We also have a football game this Thursday! Make sure to come support! Now get to class students!" he said before putting the phone down. "You're running?" Heather asked me. "Yes," I nodded my head. "Well you got this, I guess that isn't much competition," she chuckled. I laughed. "He's nice.. but I need this," I shrugged. "Looks like we're both running!" someone said from beside us. We turned, it was Cameron.

"I guess so," I said. "Uhh, good luck!" he smiled. I smiled back. "Good luck," I returned the saying. We walked off and Heather chuckled. "Are you handing out anything?" she asked. I nodded my head. "Courtney and I want to win together, so we're going to pass out candy and chips at lunch," I explained. "Oh you'll definitely have my vote," she smirked. I chuckled. "Well i'll see you, gotta get to class," I started walking backwards, pointing behind me. She nodded her head and I ran off.

word count: 817
sorry this one is short

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