🐎The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission Part 1🐎

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You are 15 and B/n is 20 years old

~~~~~*3rd Person's P.O.V*~~~~~

After days and days of training, the day of the expedition came, the plan was like this, the support teams are only gonna accompany levi's squad (which had you and eren) through the old city area. Once out of the city, you'll enter the exclusive domain of the titans. This long range scouting formation was designed by the one and only Erwin.

Currently you all were in the old city area, as the expedition had already been executed. Erwin was in the front, with hange and mike behind him and you, eren and the levi squad were behind them and the rest of the squads/teams behind you.

A loud noise is heards so you look to your side to see a, not trying to body shame but a tall and fat titan, that was stomping his way to you all.

"Ahead, on our left! A ten-meter class! I would so very much would love to see whats inside of its stomach, but i must refrain- support team, go!" Hange yells.

Two cadets of one of the support teams swing over to the titan from building to building, one of them distracts it by slashing on its arm and the other during that time slashes at its name, unfortunately it was too shallow. They both took care of the titan very well and you continued to move ahead, resulting to them vanishing from your sight slowly.

"Onward! Onward!" Yelled Erwin

"Sir, can they... Can my classmates defeat the titans?" eren asks oluo, who was beside him.

"Huh? What the hell do you think we've been doing the past month? Listen up, my fine shitty brats! The most crucial part of any expedition lies in how it avoids fighting the titans-" and oluo bites his tongue again as youre finally out in the field type of area.

"Assume long-range scouting formation!" Erwin shouts and puts his hand out to his side.

The vanguard is to be deployed into a semi-circular pattern(column 3-3 relay team. Relay team with mikasa.), each soldier remaining within visual range of two others(column 5-centre: reserves. The levi squad with you and eren), (Column 2-5 relay team. Relay team with reiner.), the job of the relay team was to extend the recon and relay message as far as possible (column 3-4, relay team with jean.), (column 2-4. Relay team with armin and B/n). (Column 1-8, vanguard). (column 2-3 relay).(column 3-1, supplies)

(I Tried to mark the positions to make it somehow easier to understand lol

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(I Tried to mark the positions to make it somehow easier to understand lol. Hope it helps)

While on top of the horse, you suddenly see a round of red smoke shots in a pattern in the air, and then a single green one, eld and levi, who were in the middle, turned to the direction of the green one which you and the rest of the squad followed.
You knew why this was happening, you and eren were taught about the different smoke shots, like the red one and the green one. The red ones were shot in a pattern by the vanguard team, which was further relayed to Erwin, informing him and everyone that a titan had appeared. Then erwin would fire the green smoke shot in the sky in the direction they will turn to. It was so that the whole formation could move onward, maneuvering itself around the titans.

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