‍❤️‍The beginning‍❤️‍

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The song above is a really nice song and i recommend people to listen to it, N E ways onto the story noww

~~Author Chann


Currently you are 6 years old

~~~~~*Your P.O.V*~~~~~

"B/n when will dad get back home?" I ask my older brother as we sit on my bed in our room

"I dont know" he replied.

Just then we hear the front door opening and hitting the wall with a loud thud making me flinch.

B/n stands up almost immediately and turns to look at me, I see a kind smile adorn his face as he says "Y/n its kind of late why dont you sleep now?", "But I dont want to.... sleep" i reply yawning "I could read you a book if you wan-" the door of our room slams open cutting B/n off as in comes our father with a glass bottle in his hand.

My brother stands infront of me as if hiding me from him, "welcome home father", father completely ignores him as he reaches for me and holds me by my left arm, since I was sleepy at that time I couldn't react that much, "father what are you doing" B/n asks

"Shut up brat! She is going to be useful for once in her life" father sneers. He looked really scary.

"Where are you taking her!?" B/n asks again but this time a little louder with panick evident in his voice. By now I had tears running down my face.

"I told you to shut up didn't I!" father yells and smashes his alcohol bottle on B/n's head. Blood starts to gush out, this made me cry even louder.

~~~~~*3rd Person's P.O.V*~~~~~

B/n was clutching the left side of his head in pain while silent sobs left his mouth, eyes closed.
Y/n started struggling in F/n's grasp,

"you brats don't know the truth about yourself, about your powers." F/n said with a frightened face "I am going to sacrifice her to the devil in return of the long lost happiness I lost after having you both especially her" he continued.
"Father there is no devil!" B/n yells

"no I will throw her off a bridge!"F/n argued back

While your father and brother argued you lay on the ground still trying to break free, suddenly you feel a wave of heat surge through your body as the area between your shoulder blades felt like it was burning, you wince kneeling down and try to touch it. B/n sees you struggling and asks you if you were alright. You told him about the burning sensation

"do you want me to check?" B/n asks, your father was staring at you standing frozen in horror,

"Yes, please" you reply. Slowly B/n shifts over to you and lifts your Red hoodie from behind revealing two long line like gashes.

B/n gasps seeing two orange wings like things slowly coming out of the gashes. You felt less pain from earlier as the wings came out, you even felt your canines amd nails getting sharper as your eyes glowed.

At this rate F/n was going pale as B/n stared at his own canines and nails get sharp, purple colored wings protruding out of his back.

~~~~~*Your P.O.V*~~~~~

'What's going on?!' I think.

(Shingeki No Kyojin) Various x Innocent isekaied fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now