The CEO's Offer

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The sun is rising up around the movie lot, another beautiful day I should say.

Inside the Water Tower the four Warner siblings were still fast asleep. Yakko is sleeping in his ballpit, Dot is in her middle bunk bed, Wakko is in his hammock and Lily, she's in her crib sleeping peacefully all snuggle up underneath her blanket along with her big teddy bear luby.

Its surprising that their not making any noise as they usually do because they were busy taking care of their baby sister mostly Yakko. But they can still make their fun while teaching Lily how to be zany too. The baby Warner isn't a nosy baby, she's very quiet for a change like she already settle down on her own this time since after day one.

The sunlight somehow sneak through the blinds and it shines on one of the Warners. Yakko was the first one to have notice this, he blinked his eyes and squinted them a bit since its so bright. He groan and cover himself underneath the blanket to block out the raid.

He start rubbing his eyes trying to adjust to the brightness as he slowly came out from underneath the blanket and stretch a bit. After that he then get up from his ballpit and went to the kitchen to start off making breakfast for today.

Wakko wake up to the smell of food and got out of bed while waddling over to the kitchen.

Yakko heard his little brother's footsteps. "Morning Wakko." He said to him.

"Morning." Wakko said with a yawn as he was already sitting on the island chair.

"I'm making pancakes with bacons and eggs, your favorite." When he said those words.

Wakko perked up when he heard him say 'pancakes, bacons, and eggs' he nodded his head really fast in a 'yes' manner. "Ooh I just love it when you made them so good together!" He said clasping his hands together as his tongue was sticking out.

Yakko chuckled as he sorted out everything for himself, Wakko and Dot's breakfast with two cups of orange juices and the organic baby food for Lily to eat too and don't forget her sippy cup filling it up with water.

"Wakko can you go wake Dot up please?" He asked looking at his little brother.

"Sure." Wakko said and off he went. He then came back in a second so fast already followed by a sleepy Dot who is still half asleep. She yawned while she stretched the tiredness out and sat down on the island chair beside Wakko.

"Morning Dot."

"Morning what's for breakfast?" She asked him.

"Pancakes, bacons and eggs." He answered her.


Yakko give each of them their breakfast and their drinks, Wakko and Dot thanked him and start eating their food. Yakko then went back to the kitchen counter to get his and Lily's breakfast. He then set them both down on the island table and went over to the crib to see if Lily is awake. In which she is still sleeping, he smiled while watching her on how adorable she is sleeping like that while holding onto the teddy bear until she then moved.

She still has her eyes close when she started to move then she let out a tiny yawn. Putting a hand to his chest, even her little yawns are so adorable too. She rubbed her eyes then slowly blinked them open.

Yakko was still standing beside her crib watching her wake up until her eyes are fully opened. She then turn her head and was now focused on Yakko who is smiling at her.

"Good morning, how's your beauty sleep?" He said as he picked her up into his arms. Lily give him a small smile letting out a giggle. Yakko chuckled "I'll take that as a yes." As he nuzzled her nose with his.

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