The Older Brother

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Hey guys! I only see one person voted for Wakko. So I guess I'll do Wakko then, coming write up!


It was quit a sketchy morning, the Warners are in their Water Tower and they just woke up.

Yakko has on his green robe sitting on the couch, scrolling through his tablet while holding his cup of coffee in his other hand.

"Morning Yakko." Dot came from the bedroom holding Lily in her arms.

Dot has on her pink robe and Lily is in her baby light purple onsie with patterns of dark purple butterflies.

Yakko looks from his tablet to see his sisters coming to him. "Morning sis, you two got you're beauty sleep?"

"Eh, so-so." Dot flip her hands slightly. "But could of been better."

Lily yawns quietly rubbing her tired eye with her tiny arm and blinking them, while her other hand was clenched.

Yakko nodded before taking a sip from his coffee.

"I'm gonna go get some cereal for breakfast." Dot said yawning slightly before she hands her baby sister to Yakko.

"Okay." Yakko put down his device and coffee down before taking Lily from Dot.

Dot head towards the kitchen getting cereal for her breakfast. While Yakko is cradling Lily, who booped his red nose, causing it to make a squeaking sound.

Yakko chuckles, "It's a good thing your big sister decided to let you and her have some sister time together, I'm very proud of that." He comment.

"Ah." Lily coos, looking up at him in the eyes.

Yakko smiles, "I bet your hungry, huh?"  He got out the baby bottle fully prepared and give it to his baby sister.

The baby Warner takes the bottle beginning to suck on it, drinking the milk as she has her eyes closed.

Now not a minute later, Wakko just came from the bedroom, he looks ready for today, already in his blue sweater and he doesnt have his hat on.

Hold on, Wakko without his hat on!? (OMG! He even looks so adorable without his hat!)

Wakko looked around to see his brother, Yakko on the couch bottle feeding his baby sister Lily, and he see his other sister Dot, who is sitting on a bar stool on the island resting her head on her hand while tiredly eating her bowl of cereal that is in front of her, slowly. Every now and then, she nods off while her eyes blink one after the other.

Wakko inhale then exhale with that signature goofy smile of his before he took out his hat from behind his back out of existance and place it on his head.

Wakko then starts walking to the kitchen.

"Morning!" He hail in a happy cheery voice, very much in a good mood.

"Morning Wakko." Yakko answered.

"Huh? What? Oh, morning Wakko." Dot spring up looking around before looking at Wakko realizing it was just him when she said morning before going back to eating her cereal.

The middle Warner walk by to the kitchen to get his breakfast, he opened the carbert and grabbed the box of cereal before closing it. He got the bottle of milk from the fridge and a bowl from the dish holder. He pour the cereal in his bowl and the milk at the sametime. And of course he fill that up to the peak of it almost making a mess and can't forget to add the spoon.

Once he's finish he put back the stuff where they belong. He walked over to island where Dot is to sit down on the other stool. He was humming his song, Wakko's America.

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