Fixing The Old Hotel

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In the living room, Wakko, Dot, and Lily were lounging on the sofa, engrossed in a show on the TV. Yakko entered from the adjacent room and strolled over to join his siblings.

"Hey sibs! Guess what?"

His siblings diverted their attention from the television to look at him.

"What?" Wakko exclaimed, tilting his head in unison with Lily, both brimming with curiosity.

"What is it, Yakko?" Dot inquired.

"Do you remember the old abandoned hotel we saw the other day?" Yakko reminisced.

The three youngest siblings all nodded in agreement.

"Well, why don't we go back there and fix it?" Yakko suggested.

"Uhh why?" Wakko asked.

"Since nobody wants to do it, citing laziness as their excuse, then why shouldn't we? We can do it! People will then visit, consider it for their vacation, and see the beauty of the place once it's all fixed up, in perfect running condition, and ready to go!" Yakko explained, gesturing as if he were fixing something in mid-air.

The youngest siblings exchanged glances, smiles blossoming on their faces, clearly delighted by their big brother's suggestion.

"I did mention something like that to Lily, imagining what it would look like once it's up and running again, as we were exploring," Dot explains.

"Yeah, sounds great!" exclaimed Wakko.

"Then let's do it!" declared Dot, full of determination.

"Yay!" exclaimed Lily, clapping her hands joyfully.

"Great! That's the spirit—come on!" Yakko cheered, gesturing for his siblings to get ready.

Wakko and Dot leaped from the couch, each heading in a different direction to gather various items.

Meanwhile, Lily slid off the couch to collect supplies needed for hotel repairs.

She managed to stack everything precariously in a red wagon, which wobbled as she pulled it along.

Before departing, Lily approached her pet, Snowy, who was nestled comfortably in a small fox-sized bed, sound asleep.

With a gentle smile, the young Warner stroked Snowy's head, eliciting a contented tail wag from the dozing pet, who seemed to relish the affection even in her slumber.

"Ready, Lily?" Yakko shouts, clutching the toolbox, while Wakko and Dot stand by, arms full of supplies and materials for the hotel.

Lily gives a firm nod, gazing up at him.

With a determined waddle, Lily joins her older siblings at the door, tugging the wagon along.

"Got everything?" Yakko checks in.

A chorus of 'uh huh!', 'yep!', and 'yeah!' confirms it from his siblings.

"Alright, team, it's go time!"


The Warners, donning hard hats, arrived at the deserted hotel. The four siblings surveyed the surroundings, contemplating the potential outcome of Yakko's plan.

"Okay, team, ears open," Yakko commanded, snagging his siblings' focus. "We've got a mountain of a task ahead! It's all hands on deck to achieve our goal. This hotel's more rubble than residence, and it's crying out for a clean-up, a furniture facelift, and some serious TLC for the walls, windows, and more."

Yakko laid out the game plan, sounding every bit the born leader—or at least, he seemed to think so.

Wakko, Dot, and Lily were visibly impressed by their big bro's pep talk, nodding in agreement.

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