Untitled Poem 2

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He sits alone in his quarters,

Gazing past the horizon,

A little boy became a man,

Trained to make a difference,

But fell into darkness,

A father to three,

Two daughters and a son,

All three Jedi like him,

One a princess,

The other was a senator,

A son the same as his father,

He married a senator,

His one daughter's namesake,

He turns to face me,

Sadness in his eyes,

He tells me I'm the only one, who cares,

I wish I could take away his pain,

He blames himself so badly,

No smile ever crosses his face,

My mother is all he thinks about,

Her long brown hair,

Her loving smile,

The way she loved him,

He passes by her monument,

Not even able to stop himself,

I place a flower down,

But he can't bring himself to try,

He's given everything up,

During the night he cries in his sleep,

Screams rattle the halls when a nightmare settles in his mind,

I want to know him so badly,

He pushes me away,

But every night he slips down to the lake,

Places a candle in the water and he watches it float away,

I know he'll forgive himself someday,

Maybe not today or tomorrow but soon,

I pray for that day,

For his heart to be made whole again. 

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