The River Waves Goodbye

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The moon is full on this night,

Never did I wish for this to end,

Tonight we gather to send you away,

In our hands lay candles,

Lit as bright as the moonlit night,

Dressed in black,

Dark echoing the light,

Tears streaming down my cheeks,

A heart shattered like glass thrown against the wall,

Memories now haunt that very existence,

You lay atop a raft of wood from the olden trees,

Surrounded by woven shards of bladed green grass,

Flowers stem out from the weaves,

Your eyes will never open again,

To see a face that has loved you forevermore,

I cannot believe you are gone,

I cannot believe I will never be able to touch your skin,

I cannot believe this is goodbye,

Many place their candles into the water,

I am surrounded by those who mourn for you,

I do not feel so alone,

My mind remains in denial,

Wanting this to all be a dream,

I need to wake up from this nightmare,

But if only it were the truth,

That it'd be someone else instead of you,

Laying afloat atop the clear blue water,

I wade into it to kiss you one last time,

Ever since the first time we met the water was your friend,

Never afraid of its depths or its hidden treasures,

I touch your cheek,

Your skin is still as soft but the warmth lingers no more,

Replaced now by the cold,

Eyes of brownish hazel remain closed,

Cupping your hands I place my candle,

Symbolizing my ever-abiding love for you,

I kiss your pale lips one last time,

As if trying to breathe life back into your unmoving body,

I cannot draw myself away without one last kiss goodbye,

Goodbye, my darling love,

Pulling myself away I walk back onto the sand,

The arrow flies immersed in fire onto the planks that carry you,

Flames scatter around you as the waves carry you slowly away,

My heart breaking more and more with each passing moment,

I know it'll be okay in time,

That I will be able to go on,

Remembering but never once will be forgetting,

I know one day I'll see you again,

In a place with no suffering or pain,

Where smiles and happiness endures,

We sing to your spirit to find peace,

For your heart to fly on eagles wings,

Around my neck, I carry your totem,

You were the untamed wolf,

Son of the moon and stars,

I will wear it proudly in your honor,

Never forgetting you from my heart,

I know now you are no longer suffering,

That you are happy and smiling,

I lift my head toward the sky,

I can feel your presence shining down upon me,

You float farther away,

The light of the candles growing dimmer,

How am I supposed to move my feet from this spot,

When all I see is the water carrying you away from me.

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