Tristan and Isolde

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The first time I saw you,

You were brought in by the tide,

Your head was warm,

You shivered in the cold,

I cared for you and kept you warm,

You'd sleep and sleep,

I'd sit there and watch you breathe,

In and out,

Your hair a curly brown like sheep's wool,

Eyes as dark as the ground beneath my feet,

Days passed and no sign of waking,

Just sleeping,

But then you awake,

You are scared of me,

But I'm not scared of you,

Your quiet and your mind are still,

Days seem like months,

We are friends it seems,

Talking of faraway lands,

I laugh at your humor,

We fall in love,

You leave my post,

I'm alone,

A tournament is held for my hand,

As a knight you attend,

You win but with a price,

Promised to another your uncle,

Our love kept a secret,

Sneaking off just to catch a glimpse,

But soon all that ends,

A prison cell and banishment,

Your death is where I found you,

Wounds cut deep into you,

I cry as your smile fades away,

One last breath and you turn cold,

Forbidden love,

We are,

Tristan and Isolde.

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