Running Away To A Dream

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I scream his name,

Wanting him to be near,

To feel his touch against my skin,

We are separated by roads and paths,

Miles of distance, between us,

All I want is him and only him,

My heart is his,

From that first word, I knew I was drawn in,

Distance is what haunts me now,

Not being able to see his face,

To see those eyes that tell so many stories,

Has love engraved its name upon my heart?

The more I think the more I want,

I wish to run away to him,

Stay with him for as long as he allows me to,

Waking each morn I run my hand along the space beside me,

Wishing he was there every time the sun would show its face,

In my dreams, I can see him,

His hand upon my cheek with his eyes staring back at me,

Just lying there in my bed motionless,

With every face he makes I can't help but smile,

Even as my eyes begin to close I find myself in his arms,

I can hear his heart beating beneath his chest,

Like a lullaby to a child at night,

The sound is true music to my ears,

I never want to want to wake from this moment,

Wanting it to last forever,

Yet, I find myself awake,

Who knew over the course of a month I'd find love,

He is like me, fragile yet strong,

The blood of a warrior runs in his veins,

No matter how far I push him away,

He always seems to find his way back to me,

For that, my love for him has grown,

Like that of a flower blooming in the springtime rains,

Its pedals shine brightly in the sun,

I never thought this love to be possible,

Sometimes, I fear I will lose him,

That he may stop loving me one day,

I wish to live in the moment with him and only him,

My mind wonders wondering who I am to him,

Does he wish to have me stay now or forever?

Forever seems like such a long time,

But, if it is to be so then who am I to deny it,

I dream again,

Closing my turquoise eyes,

Waking in my dreams to see him across from me,

The way his eyes peer into mine,

It is as if he sees into my heart,

I dream of running away to him,

To keep him safe from harm,

To help be his strength in times of fear,

To be his light within the darkest of nights,

So many dreams have yet to be discovered,

I pray that I may along their paths,

To journey into a place where I am truly happy,

I can see the crossroads before me,

Which am I to choose?

I cannot decide for the moment is enough for me,

I will choose a path in time,

But, for now, I will just live,

Sleep in his arms,

Stare into his eyes endlessly,

Hold his hand tightly against mine,

All I want is to be his and only his,

For in this moment of time he makes me happy,

Happier than I've been in a very long time,

Why would I want to stray from this?

I love him, Mother Creator,

He is my heart song,

I never believed love was possible up until now,

My mother, you have shown me him,

I am thankful to you,

Father Creator, protect him every day,

Help him to remain strong,

Guide his heart in his journeys,

It's a prayer I pray for him,

And will forever keep on praying,

Until such a day when I am by his side!

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