Wandering Souls

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Looking out my window I see my paradise,

Craved softly into the mountain passes,

The river runs peacefully through it,

Singing as it flows downstream,

The sun shines brightly as I make my way outside,

Even the grass of the prairies echoes that of the river,

An ocean paradise of sorts,

I never want to leave this place,

Mother Creator, protect this place,

I call out to her wondering if she hears me,

I am her daughter,

Walking on legs of two and that of four,

The human and the white wolf,

Two souls forever bonded,

A gift from her my spirit is,

For when our hearts meet we are free once again,

Mother Creator, why was I chosen?

For my soul feels those that are around me,

Knowing what those mere humans compare,

I can feel their joy's,

Their sadness,

Their fears,

Their never-ending happiness,

I'd rather not feel anything,

Why must I feel what they feel?

Mother Creator, I am suffering under this tightly wrapped blanket,

I cannot breathe,

My Mother, why must you do this?

Why must you bring tears to these turquoise eyes?

I pray I will learn the control,

How to see the good in people,

For I can no longer judge,

I will not become the darkness,

Even if it is the easy way out,

I found a mere human,

Pure of the soul and that of thought,

I watch him,

His eyes are wonderful to that of mine,

His heart shows scars of the past,

Is this man to be my mate, my Mother?

He has chosen me yet I fear him,

I fear his power of humanity,

I fear he will leave me once he sees me, for who I am,

Why must I get close to someone when I know they'll leave?

Why should I trust him?

Why should I love him?

Oh, Mother,

Does he love me even now?

How can one love after seeing me for who I am?

He's beautiful in the light of the morning sun,

I fear he will run when he sees the wolf in me,

Maybe he will be accepting of us both,

The human of two legs and the animal of four,

The girl with chestnut brown hair and the wolf pure white as snow,

We are the same in nature,

Trying to find our place in this world,

I become her when I want to hide,

I become her when I want to be free,

I become her when I truly just want to be me! 

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