Untitled Poem 25

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I look over my balcony at the world below,

I then see you running across the yard,

Sweat beginning to run down your face,

You push yourself to the limit every day,

I wish I had your strength to push myself,

The wind begins to sing through the trees,

You stop as your hair begins to flutter in the breeze,

Your eyes locking mine for a glance,

I glide my hand down the wooden cedar rail,

You outstretch your hand for me to take,

I examine it wondering if you, my love have sprung a trap,

You help me onto your back as you begin to run,

Fast a bird yet balanced like a cheetah,

We stop in the middle of the woods,

You begin to climb the wooden bark of the grand oak,

Halfway there we stop as you help me onto a steady branch,

Up here I can hear all,

The calls of the birds echo in the wind,

Across the meadow, I see a pack of wolves,

How they soar across the plains like birds on a current,

You camouflage yourself amongst the spring-colored leaves,

A crackling of thunder echoes itself off the mountains,

The air is smooth as rain begins to tear down on us,

Your eyes sparkle like a true gem,

Your hand brushes up against my cheek,

Your touch soothing to my soul,

My heart beating like a tribal drum,

I'm back on your back climbing down to the hidden muddy floor,

Embraced in the rain like a mothers child,

With you, I have no fear, no worry, no regrets,

I'm about to run as you hold me back,

Pulling me towards the sternness of your chest,

Eyes peering ever so deeply into my soul,

I am yours as you are mine,

Forever bonded by fate and blinded by love.

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