20 - In The Shadows

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"Ira! Geez, how many times do I have to tell you?!"

Ira glanced up from his food and gave a confused expression to a tall woman standing before him.

"What have I done this time?" He asked disinterestedly with a sigh.

The woman glared daggers at the young man. "You're meant to give our followers the help they need! I just saw on TV that those kids were all in a bad shape after Cure Heart beat them."

Ira sighed once again and took a bite of his food before resuming the conversation. "Firstly, it's out of character for a Precure to beat up a buncha kids. Secondly, I was never told that, and besides, a Jikochuu would make them more suspicious, no? Just relax for once, Mammo. We can get our revenge another day."

Mammo growled and turned away from Ira.
'Ignorant child. I hope you choke on that bread.' She said to herself before walking away.

"Hello, Mammo."

Mammo turned around to look at the person who said her name.
The voice was chilling, so much so it even sent chills down her spine. However there was also a level of charisma within the voice. It was almost... enticing.

"And who might you be?" She inquired, her eyes focussing on a man who stood at least six feet in height.

"You can call me Edwin." The man answered with a small smile.
"I'm here for a reason. You see those uh, Jiko-whatever-you-call-them aren't very effective in the long term."

Mammo raised an eyebrow, seemingly interested by where this conversation was going. However, she felt slightly insulted over her Jikochuu being referred to as 'short-term'.
"Go on?"

"I want to make a proposal. Let me work with you, and we will use something so much more powerful that will surely wipe out the Precure. You could even get revenge after the loss of your... friend."

"Bel wasn't a friend. He was stupid for going after them alone in the first place. Even more stupid for taking on Regina of all things." Mammo stated quickly.
"However, I am interested to see what you bring to the table."

Edwin gave a short laugh before disappearing into thin air, leaving Mammo confused.
However a moment later he returned, and beside him, a terrifying beast.

It was scary enough to even make Mammo's heart race.

"It's called a Shifter. They're like dogs, but far more terrifying."

'Like dogs' happened to be an understatement. The beast stood at least four feet in height on all fours. It would certainly be taller if it was a biped.
It's powerful back legs were short, with dangerously sharp claws that glistened a crimson red.
The front legs were much longer, akin to something like a chimpanzee, but instead of soft, gentle hands, there was instead thin, bony, sharp talons used for combat.
It's tail was long with a spiked tip, capable of easily impaling prey.
It's head was disgusting. Large, white empty eyes showed no soul, no remorse. It's snout was long and bony, with extremely long and sharp teeth protruding outwards from its jaws.

"Does it unsettle you?" Edwin asked with a grin. Out of honesty, Mammo nodded, causing the former to smirk.
"Good. An early version of the Shifter stood no chance against the Precure. However I've been hiding in the shadows, watching over them. Refining the Shifters whenever I could. And now they're finally ready to take on the Precure!"

Mammo began to smile.
"I like you. Let us work together. Ira! Get in here!"

Ira quickly entered the room.
"What do you wa— Ahh! What is that?!"

"It's what we're going to use instead of those Jikochuu from now on." Said Edwin.

"I've got a good idea for target practice." Mammo stated with a sinister grin.

A grin so sinister it shook Ira to his core.

"I shall enjoy watching my creations tear the Precure limb from limb."

"I'm going for a walk." Ira mumbled before disappearing into thin air.

Edwin smiled knowingly.
'Looks like he's questioning where he stands.'


Rikka pressed the back of her hand against Regina's forehead as three of her four Precure friends barged through the door.
Noticing they seemed to be upset over something, and noting the absence of her closest friend, she decided to ask.
"What happened?"

Aguri shook her head and held out her hand to present the confiscated Loveaid.

Makoto shifted uncomfortably on the spot and Alice let out a disappointed sigh.

"Where is Mana?" Rikka asked again.

"She tried to kill the people who hurt Regina. She broke the Precure code. I confiscated her Loveaid." Aguri stated boldly.

Rikka furrowed her brows. "That's not telling me where she is. Where is Mana?" She asked again, but with more authority in her voice.

Not receiving an answer, Rikka buried her head in her hands.
"Do not tell me you left her." She mumbled through her hands.

No answer.

Rikka stood up. "What is wrong with you?! Mana is in an emotional state, she lost the one thing that could protect her and then on top of all that you left her in Splendoris?!"

"Ma...na..." groaned a weary voice.
Aguri looked at her unconscious sister, seeing her injured state.

Makoto took a step back, very much frightened by Rikka's fury.

"Don't even think of moving another step!" Rikka roared, glaring at Makoto. "I'm disappointed in you. Making Mana feel even worse than she already is and then going as far as to abandon her in another nation. Shame on you." Rikka chastised, stepping forward and aggressively prodding Makoto's chest, "shame. On. You."

At that moment the door swung open again, this time revealing a figure neither of the girls had seen in a long time.
"Precure! I've come bearing bad news!"

He sounded unusually desperate.

Everyone was too shaken up and bewildered to take in the fact that their enemy was in front of them.

"Mammo and this guy are unleashing these things called Shifters. I think they're going for Cure Heart."

Everyone quickly processed what was said and looked at each other in horror.
Aguri slowly lifted the confiscated Loveaid and Ira felt his stomach sink.

They just signed a death wish for Mana.

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