27 - The Day Before

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Lizzie peered her head around the side of the desk she was currently hiding under, expecting to come face to face with the jaws of a Shifter.
But there was nothing. Lizzie didn't know whether to feel relieved, or be even more concerned.

She had to get out of the building somehow, but the streets were infested with Shifters. She knew this from looking out of a nearby window, and nearly fainting after seeing hordes upon hordes of Shifters outside.

It seemed there was more infighting within the Precure, which would explain why only one was currently outside, that being Cure Rosetta. She was holding the devilish dogs back with a large clover-shaped shield.
But where were the other Precure?


Regina's eyes glistened in awe as she looked at the new Precure standing in front of her.

Yuki turned to face the blonde and smiled nervously. "Did it work? I don't look silly right?"

"You look amazing!" Regina cheered, wrapping her arms around the former brunette.

Yuki's Cure Diamond was very similar to Rikka's Cure Diamond, with notable differences. Her hair was free flowing, and instead of her hair being completely blue, it had blue streaks, with white tips. Her hair reached down to her lower back. Her dress was completely sleeveless, and had a singular strap from her left shoulder to the right side of her hip.
Her blue and white dress was also notably longer, with the frilled section of her skirt ending just below her knees.

It gave her a slightly more mature look. It also made her look very elegant in the eyes of Regina.

Cure Diamond blushed at Regina's words.

"Hey! Over here!" Yelled a distant voice.
Cure Diamond and Regina turned to face the voice, and noticed a purple shape gradually getting closer, before realising it was Cure Sword.

"Shifters have taken Akihabara. The streets are completely infested. I think this is Edwin truly putting his plan into action."

Regina looked around, then back at Cure Sword.
"Where's Mana?"

"She's on her way. She got held up by some Shifters. Cure Ace is with her. She told me to run here to warn you two." She stated breathlessly.


Cure Heart defeated the last of the Shifters and took a deep breath to regain her strength. She turned to look at an equally exhausted Cure Ace.
Now that most of the Shifters so far had been defeated, Cure Rosetta was free to move, pushing her shield forward in a flash of light, knocking over and crushing remaining hell-beasts.

"I didn't think he would go all out right now," Cure Heart panted.
"Yeah something tells me he isn't exactly done." Cure Ace deadpanned, standing straight and taking a deep breath.
"Let's go find the others. We need a plan if we're gonna take down both Mammo and Edwin," she continued, "I don't think running in guns blazing will work out for us this time."

Cure Ace was right. She wasn't just right. She was bullseye right. If they went in without a plan, they would surely die, and their world would be lost.

With reluctance, the Precure trio quietly made their way out of the city, avoiding Shifters wherever possible, to avoid unnecessary conflict.


Lizzie anxiously turned a corner, peering around to see if there would be a Shifter, waiting to bite off her face or worse.

Luckily there was no one. It had gotten a lot quieter outside. The Precure must have stopped fighting. Whether they were dead or not - Lizzie didn't even want to begin thinking about the countless possibilities of what happened.

Afterword - A Doki Doki Precure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now