The Final Battle

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Thunder roared through the clouds as red lightning lit up black clouds.

"This looks even creepier than what happened at the Trump Kingdom..." Cure Ace breathed.

"I agree, it's like we're headed into hell itself." Cure Heart added.

Suddenly there was something that neither of the trio expected. A wall of red dust encased the city, making it hard to traverse without a good light source.

"I didn't expect this, what do we do?" Asked Yuki.

Cure Heart took in her surroundings, then gave a long glance at cure Ace, and then looked down at her sleeves.

Without a second thought she tore pieces of her sleeves to act as a face covering.

"What are you doing?" Yuki asked, perplexed by Cure Heart's actions.

Cure Heart silently passed the pair two rags, which were part of her outfit.
"Put these on. It'll help you breathe easier. I don't think we wanna take in any of this dust.

"I think we should wait until Cure Sword is in position."

Cure Heart nodded and sighed. It was obvious to both Yuki and Aguri that Mana was worked up. She was stressed, and rightfully so.

Cure Ace looked around before nonchalantly taking a seat on the grass.
Cure Heart looked at her with confusion.

"Regina loves you, you know?" She started.

The blonde tilted her head. "I know that."

"And I mean it. She's not mad at you... she just- she just wants you to be happy." Cure Ace continued.
Mana's heart grew heavy.
"She always worries if she's enough for you. The girl could never be mad at you. Ever! She just wants the best for you..."

By now, Cure Heart was fighting back tears.

"After what happened with Rikka... you've been holding yourself back. You've been resenting yourself, blaming yourself for what happened."

"Yeah because it was my fa-"
"It was nobody's fault, Mana. Nobody's... and you're taking all of the blame and it's hurt you so much."

Cure Heart clenched her fists. Tears streamed down her cheeks.
"I-it was my fault," she croaked, "if I had been faster she would never have died...!"

Cure Ace stood up and wrapped her arms around Cure Heart.
The embrace caused the blonde to sob harder and harder.
She was finally, finally letting out the deepest parts of her grief. She sobbed until she struggled to breathe.

Cure Diamond only watched the pair as they supported each other, or rather Cure Ace comforted Cure Heart.


How long did this hallway go on for?

Lizzie's chest burned. It felt like it was on fire. Her legs wanted to give in. She just wanted to stop and rest, but she knew if she stopped, she would die. She would die in these lonely tunnels and never be found.

It was adrenaline, and a will to survive, that kept her going.

The repeated sounds of large thuds made her run even faster. She turned to see a Shifter was gaining on her, teeth glistening, dripping with blood in the dim light.

That sight alone was enough to make her almost gallop. She could see the end. A ladder. Above, a manhole.

She was in maintenance tunnels. They must run alongside the sewers, which would explain the relatively foul smell.

Lizzie leapt for victory, latching onto the ladder and climbing with all of her might.

She managed to get the manhole open when a great weight was added to her, and a searing pain quickly followed.
She looked down to see the Hell beast had its jaws clamped around her foot, and it didn't intend to let go.

Afterword - A Doki Doki Precure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now