By Demons Be Driven

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The darkness was all he saw, the blue eyes once so vibrant and full were now dulled and hollowed, inside his prison cell he lingered waiting for the day he is no longer there, slowly he closed his eyes and waited with a monotonous gaze, much like a friend had looked he stood atop the Kage mountain resting against the wall inside the eye of the Yondaime.


He had been right, it was all a lie, Iruka didn't really care for him like he had believed, he simply tolerated him till he could leave the class.

The Ichiraku only cared because he was a paying customer, once he stopped going there it all changed, he heard them talk behind his back.

Finally the Hokage, he had lied to him about everything, specially his father being Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime.

He knew then he wouldn't trust this place and he kept to himself away from the others. To him they were simply all jokes, as night drew near he decided to stay there as he had no missions to go on.

The walk home while quite, was more deafening then he had ever realized. For the first time ever his eyes were open to the truth and he felt nothing, just the numbness that was his existence.

The old man had spilt his secret to him, telling him not only about his father but also how he housed the Kyuubi, now it all made sense, the glares, whispers and beatings...all of it.

His mask which had been chipping away for months, finally broken and he lost the smile, all that was left was nothing but the emotionless gaze he now kept.

"Everything i thought i knew, turned out to be a lie, which makes me wonder what else is a lie" he said to himself.

Going home he decided to turn his life around, take the training seriously and handle his business.

Naruto sat on his bed after a long night of training, holding his knees to his chest, it was late at night and he just couldn't sleep, the thoughts plagued him for years he had tried to ignore the glares, the remarks, the beatings, the...everything.

But it was getting to him, he knew the old man has been lying him and in all reality not much of a help or support, after finding out about the Kyuubi he lost his faith in the Kage and the village, if he couldn't trust them, why should he try anymore, they never did, he simply didn't care anymore.

Lost in thought he didn't see the window fly open and see a person come into the room.

She looked about late twenties had long flowing raven hair, big green eyes and a sad smile at the boy she was looking at her blue dress flowing around her.

"Hello Naruto-Kun" she said getting his attention.

He looked up to see, someone had come into the room but didn't really care anymore specially if she was like one of the villagers.

"If your here to kill me, you better do it soon before the Anbu find you, cant have you killing the villages pet" he said in a monotoned voice having accepted it all.

The goddess looked at him with shocked eyes not expecting that from him but also in way did which made her heart break for him even more.

"I'm not here to kill you, i am here help you!" she said sincerely.

"I find that hard to believe, but since were on the subject, why are you here?" he said stated curiously.

"I am Amatersu, and i am here to help you, you the child of prophecy who will change the world for the better, i am here to help you become the greatest warrior this world has seen since Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha" she said with a smile.

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