You're Right...

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Looking up at the stars with dull ice blue eyes, Naruto sat up on his roof, it was a nice summer night. But he couldn't stop thinking about what he heard the other day, just thinking about it still hurts but nothing he can do to kill the pain.


Walking down the street hoping to see his friends finally home after being gone for three years. Searching high and low but found nothing till he saw them all minus Sasuke at Choji's family run BBQ shop, he place he was never allowed in too. He saw them all talking about him like he wasn't their.

"Naruto should be home today!" Shikamaru stated as he sat next to Temari.

"Who cares, he is an idiot who couldn't keep a promise!" Sakura sneered bitterly.

"Yet you did nothing but cry like a bitch begging for him to bring the emo back!" Neji said not happy about hearing her.

"Still he is the Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tails, he is the Reason the Akatsuki want us, i say we give them to him," Kiba said aloud.

Many agreed like Sakura, Ino, Choji, but others like Neji and Lee did not.

"No he is out friend, we can not simply throw him to the wolves," Lee said in defiance.

"Regardless, we vote now to keep it civil, yes to get rid of him, no to help save him," Shikamaru said.

Naruto couldn't believe his ears, not only did they know but they were gonna sell him out.

"Okay we have 5 for yes, 5 for no, Hinata is the deciding factor!" Shika said.

Naruto was now hurt by this, those he considered friends turned their backs, he anxiously waited now.

Hinata took a deep breath,while she loved wasn't enough to save him.

"I vote for yes, please forgive me Naruto-Kun, but i simply just can't do it," she said in tears.

That was it Naruto left, they had sold him out and knew of his status. He walked away with a broken heart and tears on his eyes.

With out thinking he made his way to the park were he saw Kurenai and Anko speaking.

"Asuma is leading the team, they found two members of the Akatsuki near the fire temple. I pray it's not serious," Kurenai said rubbing her belly.

"Yeah the Jinchuuriki came back today as well saw him walking with Jiraya," Anko stated eating dango.

Kurenai sighed, furrowing her brows, "remember when Itachi and Kisame Hoshigaki attacked! Kisame said the Nine Tails would be the easiest to handle because the village would sell him out and i am of that mind as well, give him to them so Asuma doesn't have to leave, Naruto was damned the moment he was born, i could only imagine what that is like".

This surprised Anko, Kurenai wasn't normally like this, but now that she is pregnant things changed.

But Naruto heard it all, and she was right he wasn't loved here, he had no one, he left and went home no longer hungry.

(flashback ends)

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