The Contract!

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Tsunade was sighing as Jiraya face palmed himself.

"We have only ourselves to blame" he said.

She nodded, "we didn't bother teaching him how to read people, then again this village made great work of that was well" she said sarcastically.

Infront of them was a letter from Shion the priestess of Demon country demanding one Naruto Uzumaki to full fill his promise to her and help birth the next Priestess As he agreed to it.

"We have no choice, he must do it or will look bad on Konoha".

Jiraya looked grim, dreading this, Tsubade wrote back and sent it off.

"Go get him and bring him here please" she asked.

He nodded sadly and left out the door, this wasn't going to be good. For anyone involved.

Naruto was very annoyed, once again Sakura blamed him for the failed mission, while Sasuke belittled him and Kakshi did nothing until he stuck up for himself then he got repremanded, he was so fucking done with these clowns, he though he would have a family of sort but nope, just a bunch of people he is done dealing with.

"Okay team were done for the day!" he said vanishing.

Naruto scoffed and walked away leaving the love birds to their fate.

When Jiraya appeared before him.

"Hey kid" he said.

Naruto looked up and nodded, "what now?" he asked.

Jiraya looked at him and saw the tired demeanor.

"What happened?" he asked.

The two walked to the tower as he told him. Jiraya was not happy and would be having word with them all, right after he told Tsunade.

Once their they made it inside and went to see her.

"Hey!" was all Naruto said, no Baa-chan or granny Tsunade. Which made both ladies look at him curiously.

"It seems his team has been singling him out , blaming him for failed missions and Kakashi's favoritism has hit peak," Jiraya said none too pleased.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow, "okay will deal with them later...but for now, Naruto you have been contracted to go back to Demon country and help bring about the next Priestess" she said with a sigh.

He looked at her confused, "like help pick out the next one? Or search for her first then bring her?" he asked.

It was much worse then they thought as Shizune cringed while Tsunade and Jiraya facepalmed, if they could they would have killed those damned civilians.

"No, what we mean is you will help the priestess sire a new heir" she said.

"You mean like doing it with her?" he asked now turning red.

They nodded and steam came from his ears, as he took a couple deep breaths.

"Well i guess i have no choice, even though i don't want to do this and don't really care if it looks bad on the village....i don't want it too look bad on you, so i'l take one for the team i guess" he said with acceptance.

This shocked all three, they expected him to fight against it and refuse and give a hard time, something has changed him.

"Are you sure?" Jiraya asked.

He nodded, "i'm done with my strange and rather pathetic crush on the pink haired bitch and i don't see anything happening with Hinata she needs some one like Shino or Choji" he said.

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