A New Level

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All you could hear was the Uchiha and his sadistic laughing, while many in Konoha and members of the rookies looked on in horror and shock.

"I truly can't believe it worked, now with the dobe out of the way, i can truly reign supreme" Sasuke cackled madly.

Sakura looked on in horror as her trauma came back to her, all this time she thought Naruto had Raped her and turns out to be the boy she loved instead, getting light headed she threw up and blacked out seeing an enraged Lee, Neji, Kiba and Choji going after him, while Shikamaru and Shino went to help her


That night all hell broke loose at the council meeting, the civilian side was surprisingly quite with Mebuki quietly crying to herself, her husband comforting her.

The clan heads said nothing digesting this horrible news, Tsume for the first time in years shed a tear for someone not of her pack.

Shikaku sighed as he looked around the room when the doors opened up and in came their kage who had bloodshot eyes the tears marks evident on her face, Jiraya looking like he had lost Minato all over again and Shizune quitely sobbing holding a distraught Tonton.

"Tonite we were given a devastating revelation, it was the Uchiha whom raped Sakura not Naruto...." She stopped as saying his name made her want to throw up. While it made many cringe as well.

"How is the pup?" Tsume asked, all wanting to know.

"His body and mind have been completely destroyed, Inoichi looked through his mind to see the damage and it was worst then we thought, he has no memory of his life past 5 years of age, the fox is no longer apart of the seal..." She couldnt finish and broke down their crying into her hands knowing what she did.

Many there sat stock still and knew they couldn't fix it, for the first time ever no one in the room made a move and just sat their thinking on how to fix what can not be.

"I destroyed my little boy" Tsunade sobbed out with a heartbroken whisper but was loud enough for all to hear.

It hurt hearing her say that, Tsume and Mikoto soon joined in (for the latter is was worse as it was her own son who caused all this) with her while those like Hiashi and Inoichi were thinking about their daughters, knowing they wouldn't be able to handle it of they ever lost them like that.

At the same time the rookies and the sensei stood in the room were Naruto was currently and it was haunting to them.

Sakura, Rei and Hinata couldnt believe how bad it was, in tears they looked upon the boy who meant so much to them and who they turned their backs on.

Kakashi felt like his soul wanted to leave his body as he looked on at his sensei's legacy.

Kurenai who had recently had her and Asuma's first child felt her heart go out for him as she held her baby girl in her arms, she weeped, scared that this could have been her baby, Hana, Anko and Yugao behind her for comfort though the former two there was none, they had betrayed their teacher and mother figure and they now knew they needed to make amends, and Anko really wanted the Uchiha as well for the shit he put her little brother through.

Laying in the bed was a skeleton with pasty white skin, completely scarred over with many chunks of skin looking like they had been burned repeatedly. His shallow breathing was the only thing they made it known he was still alive.

Ino had to look away but the tears still fell, while Shika and the guys never spoke. Hinata was sobbing and Tenten had an evil glint on her eyes as she looked out the window, Rei though felt numb to the whole thing.

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