A Demon and his Angel

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Naruto stood at the mirror of his home, the hurt and anger prevalent in his eyes as all hr can see is what had happened today.


He was getting ready for his wedding, he was excited and happy, for the first time in quite a while he felt at peace, like everything was as it should be.

He was going to see Hinata, he hadn't spoken to her all day and wanted to see how she is doing. Making his way to the Hyuuga compound when he saw Neji and Tenten coming out looking angry, he didn't notice at first as he waved to them.

"Hey guys".

The pair looked up too see him and went wide eyed...this was gonna get bad, real quick.

"Naruto" Neji said reigning in his emotions.

"Is Hinata in there?" he asked.

They nodded, with frowns, "yes but you won't like what you find" he said as they walked away with him patting Naruto's back.

This made Naruto confused as he made his way inside. Passing the guard, knocking he waited and was met by Hanabi who was shocked to see him there.

"Is Hinata here, i haven't seen her today and wanted to speak to her" he said.

"I'm sorry but she indisposed at the moment" she sad sadly.

"Why can't i see her?" he asked.

Hanabi was now in tears, "because you won't like what you see" she said truthfully.

All the sudden they could hear moaning from were her room, this made him feel concerned he walked up the walls as Hanabi closed the door.

Naruto made it too her window and found her and Kiba in bed together, looking like Kiba just finished inside Hinata both having faces of pure bliss and happiness. They hadn't seen him yet as they moved away from each other and cuddle up in bed.

Naruto felt his heart shatter and vanished from sight, it was a door now shut forever.

Once outside the compound he stood there for a moment and began tearing up with pain now in his chest and stomach he finally moved his legs and walked away, he had no were to go in particular so he just walked, he couldn't believe it, the girl he loved was gone, did she ever love him or was it all just a lie? Well it didn't matter, because of the Uzumaki genes he wouldn't cry about her anymore.

Wiping away the tears he stood back up proud, he survived before she came into the picture and he would survive now she was gone, but he needed to get out of the village for a bit, first would be to change the locks.

After changing the locks he left to go see Kakashi. While on the way he noticed he was getting many sympathetic looks, they must have known already. But it made no difference to him, he wouldn't spread anything about it but he also would allow himself to be sucked up into it either.


"You sure about this, this is an A ranked mission and you wont be back for about a year" Kakashi said.

Naruto nodded, "yeah i need the distraction, plus this will be good form, i'm not gonna wallow in self pity, she made her choice and now i am making mine, besides she can still have her wedding it will just be with Kiba. No real loss there, i'm gonna go pack and head out" Naruto said as he left.

Kakashi sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "Poor kid, never can catch a break" he said getting back to work with the help of clones while he read the latest Icha in hand courteously of Naruto.

Naruto was now his way home, this made him excited, it would help get his head clear.


He stopped hearing a voice and looked to see Sakura walking up to him.

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