The Great Divide

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The week had come and gone and now Naruto stood their in the front of the school wearing a customized blue battle vest with a red Uzu swirl on the back with armor plating and a black hood sewn into the collar, his broad arms were shown with clear and defined muscle with two black chakra infused black leather gauntlets with metal plating on them with sealing marks on the metal, auburn colored hair with blonde tips, much longer but just as spiky.

His electric blue eyes were now a bright violet color having mixed with the Kyuubi's red chakra.

Dark green Anbu pants taped off with gray tape at the shins and ankles, shinobi shoes, and a black belt with two black pouches and one holder for scrolls now as well as a dark burnt Orange face mask at 5'10 he looked good now.

He had stood their now crossing his arms over his chest, closing his eyes he waited their as he heard footsteps approaching. He turned his head to sense the signatures.

"Your late," he said annoyed.

(skipping the first two parts of the exam a we know what happens)

Standing up he saw the remainder of the examinees, four Leaf, one Sand, one Sound, one Mist and one Rain. 16 still remain so it was on even grounds.

As Minato gave his speech, Naruto kept his face forward, during the forest part, Kabuto had attacked and while he fought back Sakura had taken an unconscious Sasuke and left him behind and neither thanked him nor apologized so he wrote them off, like he should have earlier.

Once done they all went up to their spots, Naruto sitting against the wall his eyes closed, he was not interested in this nonsense.

Team 7 stood away from him with the others all though they were curious about this new Naruto, but he didn't speak to them and they dare not ask him. But Sakura had told them what happened as well while few frowned at her the rest thought she had made it up as he was the dead last after all.

"Sasuke Uchiha and Rei Wasari to the floor please".

The Uchiha and the Rain nin made it too the floor and the fight begun, with a fire and water jutsu colliding making a mist of steam.

"Look at Sasuke-kun go!" Ino said happily.

"Yeah i hope he crushes him," Sakura stated.

"Go Sasuke!" Menma cheered for her friend.

Kakashi watched on quietly but glanced at Naruto who laid their relaxing, his eyes closed, he seemed uninterested, making him sigh, he really wasn't cut out for being a teacher and these kids were just unwilling to work together.

He looked back to see Sasuke land a hit on his opponent causing him to be knocked out.

The arena went wild with applause, as the fight reaching it's climax with Sasuke using a couple stolen techniques.

Lee frowned seeing this and luckily he wasn't alone, Naruto also frowned, he hated cheaters with his very core. But it didn't matter anyways, he looked over to see his 'parents and sister' cheering for him, it disgusted him to no end so he just closed his eyes again, he didn't care if he passed or not he was strong and only getting stronger.

He felt a familiar signature opening his eyes to see Jiraya and Tsunade speaking to the family with Menma cheering about whatever, it was gross how lovey dovey they were.

"Spare me please, i might puke!" he muttered before closing his eyes not caring about this shit show.

Time passed as the fights conintued, there was no one of real challenge since the last chunnin exams when he fought Earthbeast.

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