Least Excepted

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Naruto would have never thought in a million years that he would have gotten a girlfriend, let alone one as pretty Fuu Jinchuuriki of the Nanabi and it happened by accident too.

But here he was with Jiraya and it had only been eight months since they left Konoha. The trio, had been heading to Hot Spring country. All was well till they heard commotion nearby they went to investigate and Naruto couldn't believe it.

There was Sasuke along with several Oto nin with his sword out looking at a red headed girl holding a baby who was crying while being guarded by two guys one with white hair the other Orange

"Why are you doing this Sasuke, you cant kill your own daughter, our daughter!" she said in tears.

He remained stoic, "i don't need you losers, i have all the power i need, and this waste of space dies i don't need it following me around, kill them".

The nin attacked leaving the two guys unable to protect her.

Sasuke smirked as he walked to them slowly.

Naruto grit his teeth, "this motherfucker is gonna kill his own baby".

Raising his sword as he laughed all Karin could do is shield the baby.

Sasuke was decked hard in the face sending him skipping across the ground.

Karin looked up too see a guy with blonde hair with red tips, his back to her.

"You okay?" he asked her now looking back at her.

She went wide eyed, wiping her tears away, "yes i am, thanks!".

Putting his attention back to Sasuke who came spitting a glob of blood, rage in his eyes.

"Tch, just my luck to find you here, dobe!".

"Ya know i was just walking by, but the fact your willing to murder your own daughter, shows me that i don't need to see you as a friend, your scum and i'm gonna enjoy ripping your fucking spine out!" he said cracking his knuckles In anger.

"Well i am not interested, your not on my level so your a waste of time," he said.

Naruto smirked and disappeared only to reappear behind him kicking him into a tree line.

"Your right!".

At the same time Fuu came to Karin and her baby's side, when Karin began coughing up blood.

"What is wrong?" she asked.

Karin couldn't speak at first, she began to pant giving her baby to Fuu.

"Please...take my baby...protect her from...him...her..name Sarada!".

She fell with a thud and convulsed her eyes rolling back into her head, falling forward seeing the Kunai in her back, she looked up seeing an Oto nin having done the deed, as Jiraya snapped his neck.

Fuu teared up seeing this as she looked down at the raven haired baby girl sleeping soundly. She looked back at Karin, "i promise to protect her and raise her as my own, rest in peace!". She knelt down and closed her eyes.

Jiraya had just finished up with remaining Oto nin, who had kill both Juugo and Suigetsu during the fight though they were killed and didn't get the chance to celebrate.

Naruto looked at Sasuke, "you have fallen so far, your no avenger, just a bitch with skinned knee, what ever bond we had is gone".

Sasuke clicked his teeth vanishing from the fight like a coward.

Naruto turned to see the trio dead and Fuu holding the baby, he came up too them as did Jiraya.

"These three worked with Orochimaru, Suigetsu, Juugo and Karin, wonder what happened to them!" he said.

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