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Naruto had been able to defeat Sasuke, their battle was quite intense. But only because he wasted no time, with only a well placed pressure point while he had a punch through his chest from Sasuke's Chidori. Why he bothered he'll never know.

Both boys passed out from the exhaustion as Naruto had to drag his ass back to the village bleeding when Kakashi came up picking up both boys, shame on his face for not being a better teacher. Racing them both back to the village.


Naruto ended up waking up first because of his increased healing. While normally he would have been happy about it he wasn't this time, for he is alone in his room, his parents, godparents, younger twin sister or friends aren't there, he is alone.

Getting up he sees the scar, while ignoring the pain he gets dressed and heads out to find them..he doesn't look far for all his friends and his sister are in the Uchiha's room, still passed out along with his family and the Uchiha's fretting over him.

While this hadn't surprise him, it stung his sister or friends didn't find it worth while to see him at all, a frown marred his face, he walked home without a fuck to give. Because his parents didn't die that night he wasn't hated well as least not openly, his Sister is a bit more liked then he was specially among their age group and this was it for him he was done.

Lost in thought, he made it home to see no one home, which didn't surprise him, they probably spent their time with Menma, they always preferred her anyways...hell Sasuke and Itachi were more considered Son's then he was and ya know he was tired of it he was tired of trying earn something he was never gonna get so their was no point in being here.

He got inside and packed up his things as well as knowledge and other things and left, no letter or warning. No need, to be honest he never felt really welcomed here so no point in goodbyes.

He did leave the god awful orange jumpsuit in favor of a new outfit, black chainmail mesh shirt, black pants, white spats and shinobi shoes, metal shin guards over the spats, metal gauntlets on his arms with fingerless gloves with metal plates on the backs and a dark blue cloak he bought from merchants, it had red clouds on it but he put a green Uzu swirl on the back, along with a face mask, he was ready to go and go he did not looking back and it would many years before he would return to this place again. Even painted his fingers and toes the color of a dark gray color.

He left into the night, making his way to a little spot near the valley where he had a few people waiting.

Inside a cave their was a bed ridden Tayuya Uzumaki formerly of Orochimaru's sound four and Kin Tsuchi both girls formerly of the sound, both girls were asleep at the moment, he knew he wouldn't be missed so he didn't bother rushing and sat down as a guard for tonite, these are his first two recruits anyways and getting a few hours sleep wouldn't hurt either.

Next morning he woke up before them and got to making breakfast. It wasn't long before he heard them stir.

Tayuya was first remembering how she should have died yet she was alive made her now suspicious when she smelled food being cooked. She looked over and saw another of Orochimaru's pawns Kin, a girl she had a few run in's with and became acquaintances with.

"Ahh, your awake, good".

She looked over and saw the blonde kid who was part of the rescue team, she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Why the fuck are you here and why the fuck am i alive?" she said harshly.

He didn't flinch or cringe holding both plates of food.

"I saved you from death, and i want to offer you a new life away from Orochimaru's scummy hands, one where you control your life, a place for people like us who are outcasts, would you join me in my new group, it will be mercenary work but the pay is evenly cut, and you'll never have to go back to Orochimaru," he stated to her.

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