I Heard It Too!

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Sakura walked up the stairs, putting to bed her now 3 year old Sarada.

"Mommy can you swing me a song?" she asked cutely.

Sakura smiled a bit and nodded, "but it is bedtime afterwards okay!" she said.

The girl nodded and got her little Snake and laid on her pillow.

Sakura began singing to her seeing her child smile slightly, panning over to the desk we see two photos, one of her and her parents Sakura and Sasuke Uchiha and the other with her friends Boruto Inuzuka, Shikadai Nara, Chocho Akamichi and a few others from what appeared to be a picnic setting.

Sakura finished up the song and kissed her now sleeping babe goodnight, she looked over at the photos and sighed. It had been three years since Sasuke was home, on his redemption journey he had missed the whole pregnancy, but she still loved him and waited for him to come home.

Getting up she made her way out of the room and quietly closed the door...


Sarada was suddenly woken up by her mother's voice.

"Sarada, can you cone down stairs please, mommy needs to see you for a moment...i promise your not in trouble, i just need to talk to you!" the voice was muffled slightly but diffidently her mom's.

She got out of bed with her stuffed friend and made her way out the door, she went too the stair well and looked down to hear her mother's voice speak again.

She said nothing but as she was about head down aye was grabbed from behind and brought into another room.

She looked back and saw her mother who had a look of concern.

"It's okay i heard it too!".

"Sarada, are you coming down? You better not be ignoring me!" the voice said now sternly.

"Just stay quite darling!" Sakura said.

The little girl was now confused, she didn't know what to do or think, but she kept quite.

"Okay young lady...ready or not here i come!" the voice said with a hint of monotone and tensity that made both girls shiver a bit. They could now hear the figure slowly move to the stairs and climb them.

Sakura using her quick thinking put her in the closet and told her to stay still and be quite, slightly closing the closet doors.

She stood their waiting for whatever this thing was that wanted her child, getting her fighting stance as the footsteps came closer to her bedroom door till they stopped. Slowly the door handle began moving and the door opened up.

She was shaking, sweat dripped from her brow as she slowly looked out in to the hallway to see if anyone was their. No one was, breathing a sigh of relief she went back to the closet only to find it open and her baby gone, her heart dropped she called out twice and finally looked under the. Bed when she saw her stuffed animal.

Pulling up the bed dress she found her there shaking but okay. But before anything else they both heard footsteps behind them, making Sarada close her eyes and cover her ears.

After counting to five she opened them up to find no one their.

Slowly getting out from under the bed she looked around calling out for Sakura but no reply.

When she saw her bed room open up and a voice behind her she turned around to see Sakura only she looked wrong her skin was pale gray, black eyes and her mouth was elongated a bit with sharp teeth and she was reaching out for the girl.

The child screamed and ran to her bedroom and flew under the cover but not before slamming the door shut.

She then did the same thing and counted to ten as she heard the door open up and covers were pulled back standing there was the demonic doppelganger.

Slowly it reached out for her as she opened her eyes but stopped when a gloved hand grabbed her face and slammed it down hard.

Behind the creature was a man with long dirty blond hair a stentson hat, a black coat, gray gloves, shirt, pants boots with gray boot spats and looked very pale himself. [UNDERTAKER OUTIFIT]

He grabbed the demon and threw it into the hallway slamming into a door.

He turned around to see Sarada in tears shaking from the fear.

"Don't worry child, i will bring your mother back...close your eyes and cover your ears, count to 20" he said softly but his deep and gravelly voice still unnerved her, as he made his way out the door closing it back up.

She nodded and did so slowly counting down slowly hearing only her voice and heartbeat.

By the time she hit 20, she opened her eyes and uncovered her ears, she looked at the door as it came flying open and Sakura and Sasuke came running to her, hugging her to them.

"Don't worry it's over now, it can't hurt us anymore" Sakura said in tears.

Sarada smiled saying thanks to the blonde stranger and all was okay again as the trio sat on her bed and calmed down.

Off in the distance you could the horrid screams of the demon as it was dragged back to hell on the wind....

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