It Ain't Easy Being Me

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Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze wasn't out going, he wasn't personable to any degree, except for a few people and because of that no girl really tried to befriend him or talk to him, he was just their, the teams and his teammates knew next to nothing about him, which is why they were shocked by what happened next...

It was a day to relax, no missions and no training, so the rookies all got together and had a lunch at one of Choji's family owned places.

All 13 were there except one, Naruto then again they didn't spend much time with him outside the norm.

While the gang talked and ate and all that good stuff, once Shikamaru Nara happened to glance up and see said red head only he was carrying a something under a blanket as well.

"Huh?" was the response they all heard.

Looking at Shikamaru, Ino asked him.

"What's wrong?".

He pointed a head making them all look over to see Naruto in regular clothing, holding something under a blanket.

"What the hell?" Kiba shouted.

"Since when did Naruto hold anything like that?" Tenten asked in complete shock.

No one could answer her, for this was new to them.

Naruto was out and about today, with his new born! Holding her in his arms with a light blanket over he walked around ignoring the surprised looks he got from the civilians.

They could see the blanket move and the top gave away to see a dark skinned baby girl with red hair. Which shocked everyone who saw the sight.

He could hear the light snoring making him smile, unaware of the stalkers he had.

Making his way to some where important he continued on.

"Why are we following him?" Sai asked.

"Because he has a baby and i want to know if she is his and who the mother is," both Ino and Sakura stated.

They followed him to Tsunade's home where she, Shizune and Jiraya are at.

Making his way up to the front door, the Anbu guard saw him and nodded to him allowing entry.

While everyone else were in the bushes as they saw Natuto make his way to the backyard.

The hokage and her company were sitting in chair relaxing when the back door opened.

"Hi Baa-chan, Sensei and Zune-Nee!" he said happily.

The trio looked over and smiled at him but saw the blanket and both Tsunade and Shizune squealed getting up to meet them.

Naruto pulled the blanket to show the baby, she had milk chocolate colored skin, bright red hair and electric blue eyes as she was just waking up, she had her mothers mouth and cheeks but everything else was her father.

"Oh she is soo cute, can i?" Tsunade asked.

He nodded, she was only a few weeks old so she was more active now.

"Her name is Mito Uzumaki," he said with a bright smile.

Tsunade gasped then smiled loving the name. They all came to sit and see her.

"Speaking of when is the lady in wait coming?" Jiraya asked.

"Two weeks time she has to finish up the paperwork and she'll be here," he said excited.

"You love her don't, you?" Jiraya asked.

"You bet, she is fiery and strong, plus those eyes, it was love at first sight," Naruto said looking down at his little girl.

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