In Open Arms....

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Naruto stood on the opposite of the field looking at the only girl he ever loved Sayuri Uchiha. Who looked at him in hate as she wanted to sever their bond forever.

A few tears leaked from his eyes, he couldn't save her from herself.

"Please, we don't have to fight...we can stop and go home, live the life we talked about," he said to her.

"There is no place for me, there and all i want is you to sever our bond...i hate you Uzumaki now and forever!" she spat back.

His eyes dulled as he sighed, they were both on their last little bit, as she raced to him so he defended himself lazily not really caring anymore. But he wasn't going to die just like that though he was angry all he did for her just throw it back in his face he scowled back handing her across the face sending her flying back.

"Well i love you...after everything i've done for you all the times i have helped or try to help you. You think your so good and your name is the end all be all yet Itachi killed everyone in one night and it took three nations three weeks to kill mine, so step off your high horse bitch, your not only one who lost something,"  he screamed back at her. Now enraged.

She held her cheek in total shock, she hadn't expected this from him at all...yet he was right, he had always been there for her regardless all those years, but now she now she was also angry.

"You know loser! You don't know what it's like to lose your family all in one night...."

"At least you had a family, at least you got to have those bonds," he interrupted.

She glared at him while his face remained stoic no emotion at all.

She was angry, he just insulted her clan and name she would not let it go unpunished.

The battle had begun again this time greater, as two hurt souls just wanted to hurt The other.

All across the valley you could see the fight, shockwaves from punches and kicks both heard and seen. Neither giving ground.

Meanwhile Kakashi as well many of the others came to see the fight, still either injured or healing from the battles against the Akatsuki.

Sakura, Sai and Kakashi all sat their watching wondering how the fight would end.

Sayuri threw a punch into his face sending him flying back when he righted himself.

Naruto didn't bother wiping the blood away, he went back into the fight using his father's technique.

Getting behind her he grabbed her shoulders and threw her over him into the ground. Groaning a bit she got back up and went after him again.

"They look like they are trying to kill each other!" Lee stated.

Everyone looked on and noticed it as well, much to their horror.

"But why, he loves her?" Ino said confused.

"It's because her revenge consumed her, she doesn't see Naruto as the boy she once loved, all she sees is another Itachi that must be destroyed!" Kakashi said sadly.

Back to the fight Sayuri was starting to pant a bit, while Naruto was still okay given his amount of Stamina.

They said nothing to each other, nothing else needed to be said, it was at this moment what ever love they had for each other died and for Naruto that crushed him inside.

His eyes now dulled as he looks into eyes of pure hate.

"I wish we could go back to a time, before all this and see what could have been!" Naruto softly.

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