My Heart Beats Only For You

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Naruto had done the impossible, he saved the village and stopped the Akatsuki, even though it took the Life of Jiraya he stopped them.

After nearly a year the village was fixed up and running again, things had gone back to normal for the most part.

Love also seemed to be in the air as well, as many of the former rookies found love, like Neji and Tenten, Shikamaru and Temari or Choji and Karui. And even the more crazy ones likes, Sasuke and Sakura, Ino and Sai.

Hinata had loved both Kiba and Naruto but had to make a choice and with some persistence from both Kiba and the Hyuuga clan minus Neji she chose Kiba.

Naruto was happy for her, while he cared for her, he didn't love her like she wanted. Plus he never had a real relationship or knew how to talk to girls the way Kiba or Shika could.

He was not the one for her. And that wasn't changing anytime soon. But the one consolation prize was the people didn't see him as a monster anymore.

Today we see the gang hanging out at Training Ground 12 which was never used. While we see Sai and Shino spar.

Most of the others are just talking and taking in the vacation time. A few of the girls are discussing thing like weddings and babies. Shika and Choji are cloud watching, Neji and Hinata are talking about the clan and such.

Naruto is up in the tree reading the Icha series, as he wants to continue it so going back over the old material is what he is doing. In recent times he hasn't been spending as much time with the gang anymore as he just doesn't feel like it, he has lost his purpose since the Akatsuki are gone and Sasuke came back.

He looks at his watch and decided to put his thoughts on hold as he had a prior engagement to get ready for and he would not be late! just hoping he doesn't fuck this up.

Getting down with the others seeing he makes his way home to get ready.

No longer does he live at that crappy apt. No he has his family's home near the Kage Mountain. So he went home and got ready.

Deciding on Tenten's Chinese style which he came to love as well, with black pants and shoes, and red shirt with an Orange Uzu swirl on the back he was ready.

At the same time with the group.

"Hey where is Naruto?" Ino asked looking up too see him gone.

They looked around, when Shino spoke up. "He mumbled to himself about an engagement he had and needed to get ready for!".

Nodding they went to see what, and found him walking a head dressed nicely.

"What the hell?" Sakura asked.

"He has good taste though," Tenten said nodding in approval.

They continued to follow him when they realized they were heading to the clan homes.

"Why is he coming here?" Neji asked to himself.

They saw him head in to a compound but only one recognized it off the bat.

"Why is he at my home?" Kiba said aloud.

No really curious they hid in the shadows, as Naruto walked up to the door and knocked. And Tsume opened to see Naruto and she smiled brightly.

"Hey brat, how ya been?".

"Good my lady! is Hana home?" he asked.

She nodded and yelled out as Kudomaru looked at the boy and nodded while Naruto nodded back.

Soon Hana appearred in a beautiful black dress with black light sweater, her hair had been done up a bit with waves in it looking very girly, strappy opened toed shoes, with a couple ear rings she smiled at her date.

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