Sunshine of your Love

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The Sun shined brightly, as we see 6 year old Naruto holding his mommy's hand as they head to school, many people wave and smile at him, while just smiles back.

Naruto was born semi autistic so he doesn't do well with new things all the time or new people, he is incredibly shy and holds his little toad stuffed animal for comfort.

Kushina loved her little boy to death, he was her and Minato's miracle baby. But was born premature, frail and underweight.

So he is smaller then normal but that is okay, because he has many friends and precious people specially Izumi Uchiha and Hana Inuzka to name a few who always look out for him.

"Okay Naru-chan were here! You have a good day and i will be here to pick you up, okay!" she said smiling.

He nodded, "okay mommy! See after school!".

After hugging her he walked inside.

Naruto wasn't nervous per say just cautious he didn't want to cause a scene so he made his way in to the building, finding his classroom.

Opening the door he saw many of his friends their.

Sasuki Uchiha, Izumi's younger sister.

Kibana Inuzuka, Hana's younger sister.

Ino Yamanka, Hinata Hyuuga and Sakura Haruno. While his male friends were sitting a ways from them.

Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akamichi, and Shino Aburame as well as Sasuki's adopted brother Sai Uchiha.

He looked for his seat finding it next to the window and sat down getting ready for class.


He looked over and saw the girls come over to say hi.

"Hi," he said with an innocent smile, making the girls all blush.

"So Naruto-kun are you doing anything this weekend?" Kibana asked him.

He thought about it, "i have nothing actually".

"Well all of us including the dorks over their were gonna go my house to swim and have a sleep over...if you want!" Sasuki said shyly with some blush making a few of the other girls glare.

His smile dropped and he became nervous.."o-oh, well i..i don't know how to swim, so maybe an..." he was stopped as both Sakura and Ino came up and hugged the little red head.

"You don't know how to swim?" Sakura asked in mock shock.

"Well that's okay will teach you Naru-kun!" Ino finished.

The boys on the other hand just sat their
Feeling sorry for him, minus Sai he just chuckled.

It was no secret all the girls loved Naruto, they loved his sweet innocents and to the girls he was rather cute as well.

Finally the door opened up and Iruka came in seeing the girls suffocate poor Naru. He put a stop to it.

"Girls, your smothering him, he can't breath!" he said.

The girls looked to see the poor boy was suffocating, making blush with embarrassment.

Naruto took greedy glups of air, looking at Iruka muttering a thanks.

The teacher just smiled and nodded, beginning his class.


The end of the day came as the kids headed out of the school, Naruto stood their waiting for Kushina, he saw all his friends wave and say goodbye.

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