Sick Day

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"Ugh....*cough, cough*".

Slowly waking up from the unrelenting rays of the sun we see dark bags under his eyes, pale skin sore muscles and no energy.

Naruto  Uzumaki was sick for the first tine ever. Being a Jinchuuriki brought many things.. Sickness isn't one of them.

We find the now pale blonde laying in bed unable to breath through his nose, red blush on his cheeks and head, sweat pouring off him while at the same time shivering and cold.

"Ugh...kill me please!" he croaked out his voice raw and hoarse.

Luckily he had some water near his bed side and took a few gulps and went back to sleep, being awake was a chore and he wasn't doing it.

At the same time, Tsunade as well as several of his friends and Hinata were worried about him they hadn't seen him in a few days and that wasn't normal.

"Were is that idiot?" Sakura said miffed he wasn't spending time with them.

"Well he isn't on any missions right now so, he could be at home right, he did get back from his training trip," Shizune said.

"W-Well lets g-go find him" Hinata said poking her fingers together.

They nodded besides Shikamaru who went cloud watching and Choji went to get food.

Ino just muttered about her stupid teammates. As they headed out to his apartment.

They for first time saw his apartment complex and were horrified to see it's dilapidated state. They all knew he lived in the slums but this was worse then they thought.

The paint had long cracked and fallen off the walls, vines and bushes cover most of the building, rust showed on the gutter traps and other metal facings and it looked like no one else lived their besides Naruto.

Hinata was sad to see the man she adores living in such a place, Tsunade raised an eyebrow at this while others had mixed reactions.

Not wasting anymore time they made their way up the broken and rickety stairs, which infuriated Tsunade.

All the door were the same as the front of the building with the numbers missing, except for one.

But this one had slash marks on it with other things as well words on the face.





As well as few others.

Tsunade knew this was Naruto's door and was instantly pissed, these trashy villagers would be paying for this.

Others were shocked by this as they do not know he holds the Nine-Tails minus Shikamaru, Shino and Neji.

"What the hell is all this?" Kiba asked.

None of the others knew so they said nothing for the moment.

Sakura slowly went to knock on the door and knocked only for the door too fall off it's broken hinges making a loud bang.

This shocked them all this placed should be condemned.

They heard coughing knew someone was hear, they came inside to see a fairly nice inside, fresh paint, military clean space, with a couch, coffee table, dinning table, kitchen, fridge mostly all normal stuff minus a tv.

This was rather shocking to see, as they figured it would messy and not well maintained.

They heard another coughing followed by the sounds of upchucking.

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