Second Chance

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Jiraya sighed for the hundredth time today, as he looked down at the little bundle in his arms, a small smile graced his lips.

"While i am sorry you took the hit, but i'm glad your still alive, Tsunade is gonna freak when she see's you".

Naruto now back in his baby form, was sleeping with pink dusting his cheeks and a soft purr coming from him. The old sage caressed his cheek as he made his way back to Konoha as the three year trip was done.

"Good day Jiraya-sama...hey where is Naruto?" Kotetsu asked.

Jiraya sighed, "we had a bit of an accident with him!".

He moved the blanket to show the baby to them as they gasped.

"What happened?" Izumo asked.

"I don't know! But i need to get to Tsunade, see you".

Stamping his passport he left to the tower. At the same time many saw him holding something and were curious about it but he didn't look to be in a talking mood so they let it go, but one thing they were noticing was Naruto was not with him.

He made his way in going the normal route,  as he didn't want to go through the window with the baby.

Tsunade and Shizune were expecting the pair home today, but he hadn't heard from Jiraya in about two weeks, but the door opened up and in came Jiraya which shocked them as he never used the door.

"Jiraya.." she stopped seeing the bundle.

"It's a long story, but the jist is, were we attacked by an alchemist from Snow country, Naruto was hit by the blast" he stopped.

Hearing that made the ladies hearts stop, but Jiraya came up to them pulling back the cover to show him as a baby, still sleeping.

Both stopped, looked at him, then Jiraya, then each other then back at the baby.

"It reversed his age instead of killing him and now he is only a month old," he said.

The baby moved a bit in Jiraya's arms and purred as he got comfortable again.

Tsunade and Shizune squealed abit seeing this.

Tsunade took him from Jiraya and held him and smiled, "he is so cute as a baby," she said touching his whisker marks making him purr again.

"You do know he can't live on his own anymore, once the village finds this out they will try to take pot shots at him specially now that he can't defend himself! And i'm staying in the village now, my network can send me message by hawk, i wasn't there the first time, because of all that had happened, now i can and i want this to a better childhood then his first!" Jiraya said seriously.

The pair nodded, "we owe it too him this time around! This little boy wont be alone, Jiraya can you clean out his apt. He will Be living with us at the manor!" she said.

He nodded and left to take care of it. Leaving Tsunade and Shizune with the baby.

"Well since were done here let's go get him some new clothing and other provisions, my Naru-chan deserves it!" Tsunade said.

Tsunade held the baby while Shizune went to get the things, after going into a shop only to for the owner to see Naruto in his baby form he went ballistic trying to kill him only for the Slug Princess grabbing his throat threatening his very existence.

She sat on a bench holding him ignoring the whispers and glares at the baby. She glared back though and they knew how protective she was of him. She knew word would hit but she didn't care if not for him she wouldn't be the Kage.

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