At Least I Had You..

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Naruto stood in his bathroom, the now 17 year old looked st his pale sickly skin, his body showing nearly no meat on it, scars littered skin, his eyes bloodshot and his face worn down. This what he really looks like under his henge, after years of abuse, ridicule, self harm and starvation this is what he became, as the days had come and go as he would keep up his facade, but after all this time he couldn't do it any more, he simply was tired of being alive.

Having no one their for him hurt as well, he used to have Iruka but when he got married to Suzumi he became distant putting his time in with his new family.

Jiraya left soon after they came back from his training trip and hasn't bothered to see him.

His 'team' if you can call it that have just put him on the back burner, specially since Sasuke had been beaten and brought back.

None of the others former rookies minus Lee really speak to him for various reasons, even though Neji, Tenten, Choji, Shikamaru and Shino are curtious to him. Hinata he just doesn't understand specially since all she does is faint near him.

But he was in some of the Sensei's good graces like Kureani for he saved Asuma from the Akatsuki attack, Gai for helping bring back Tsunade to heal Lee and Asuma for saving his life specially now that they were having a baby.

But still he was alone, and he knew it wouldn't change.

Speaking of Tsunade, she barely speaks to him now, before she felt like an actual Mother to him now they are just perfect strangers, same with Shizune.

Empty tears leak from his broken eyes, he simply has no will to live anymore he was damned the minute he took a breath and he was done.

The Kyuubi he relased not too long ago so she could go back to her family, she was his first and only friend though it took a lot of time and effort.

She didn't want to leave her kit but he gave her no choice and now their is no one their to keep him company in his final days.

The only comfort he has now is the knowledge he will pass on soon and be free, he will finally get to meet the parents he knows nothing about and all he can hope is they didn't abandon him like he came to believe.

Slowly he puts on just a black shirt and black pants and heads out leaving his headband behind along with a note for those who care enough to read.

Shakily he walks away with little to no strength left he makes his way to the forest of death, because of his title as the Jinchuuriki of the nine tails no one lives in his building or on the street, so at least he didn't have to deal with people.

At the same time we see everyone in the kage's office it has been decided that Sasuke will be named as the Rokudaime getting congratulations except from Lee who frowns in disgust. Naruto should the one he put the blood sweat and tears into it Naruto helped Lee the most so to Lee, Naruto was the only choice.

"Who is gonna tell Naruto? This was his dream after all shouldn't he be here for this?" Neji Hyuuga asked another one who did not want the Uchiha as Kage.

"Pfft, why no one cares about that loser he was simply an idiot," Sakura said aloud.

"And yet if it weren't for him you'd be whining like a bitch that your precious Uchiha isn't here! Your more worthless then even Ino!" stated Lee as his eyes darkend.

This took everyone back, Lee never spoke to people that way, wide eyed stared at him.

"If it wasn't for him, i wouldn't have been healed, if it wasn't for him, Sasuke wouldn't be here to take some thing that not only did he not earn, nor deserves, and yet you all shunned him away because his usefulness isn't needed anymore. I am beyond ashamed of all of you and myself! So i'm going to right that and go be with my real friend".

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