Part 3

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*You woke up the next morning*
Y/n:Fucking hell I'm tired
*You check your phone and see @onwardjdub17 mention you in his story*
Jadens Snapchat story

Y/n:Jadennnn I look terrible in that OmgJaden:No you don't you look cute *You smile at your phone*Kylee:MorningY/n:Morning*You get up and go downstairs*Dad:Kylee I'm glad you like staying hereKylee:Thanks again uncle Lucas for letting me stayDad:A...

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Y/n:Jadennnn I look terrible in that Omg
Jaden:No you don't you look cute
*You smile at your phone*
*You get up and go downstairs*
Dad:Kylee I'm glad you like staying here
Kylee:Thanks again uncle Lucas for letting me stay
Dad:Anytime Kylee
*You all finish eating*
Y/n:So what you want to do today
Kylee:Oh want go to the markets
*You get up and get dressed*
Kylee:Who's message you jeez
Kylee:Omg what does he want
Y/n:He wants me to call him
*You call him*
Jaden:Omg your alive
Y/n:yes Dumbass
Y/n:Walking to the markets
Jaden:Oh shit I have to get ready my game alright bye
*You hang up*
Kylee:Come on walk faster
*You guys finally get to the markets*
Y/n:Ooo fruit stand
*You go get heaps of guava fruits*
Kylee:Ooo look At that
Y/n:Oh that's sick as
*You guys walk around the markets and get somethings*
Y/n:Of course
*You and Kylee go and get icecream*
Kylee:Where to next
Y/n:I don't know maybe target
*You guys walk back to your house first*
Krystal:Ok stay safe guys
*You guys get in your car and drive to Starbucks and get coffee and then target*
Kylee:Get in the cart I'm gonna push you around the shop
*You get in the shopping cart*
Kylee:We should totally go live
Y/n:Sure I will go live
*You are sitting in the cart live*
Y/n:Hi guys
Kylee:Hey guys
*You guys are both running around the store while your in the cart live*
Y/n:Oh Jaden joined
*You invite him to join the live*
Jaden:What's up
Jayla:KYLEE AND Y/N!!!
Y/n:Hey jayla
Jayla:Oh Y/n add me back on Snapchat
*You guys talk for a while*
Y/n:We are gonna End the live talk to you guys later
Jaden:Don't forgot to call me
*You end the live*
Kylee:You ready to go back home
Y/n:Yeah and you can drive
*You throw her the keys and get in the car*

Y/n:Jadennnn I look terrible in that OmgJaden:No you don't you look cute *You smile at your phone*Kylee:MorningY/n:Morning*You get up and go downstairs*Dad:Kylee I'm glad you like staying hereKylee:Thanks again uncle Lucas for letting me stayDad:A...

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Caption:My new best friend @onwardjdub
@onwardjdub:Besties for the resties👯‍♀️
^^Never say that ever again😑
@_kylee.Pruitt:I ship you 2 together
^^Stfu Kylee🥸
^^@onwardjdub:Jayla Istg SToppp
@Jaden_walton.Fanpage:ARE YALL DATING OMG
^^No we aren't
*the comments are just people shipping you guys*
*you and Kylee get home go inside*
Jaxon:Can y'all watch a movie with me
Kylee:Sure why not
*You all sit on the couch half way through the movie*
Jaxon:This is my favourite movie
*You get a call from Jaden and you tap Kylee arm*
Y/n:I'm going up to my room (quietly)
*You show her the phone and She gives you the thumbs up*
*You run to your room*
Jaden:What's up
Y/n:How was your Game today
Jaden:We won the game I'm so happy
Y/n:Aww great job
*He says smiling*
Y/n:Everyone thinks we are dating Omg
Jaden:I know it's funny
*You and him laugh at some of the comments*
Jaden:How about this one
*He sends you a screenshot of Someone saying "He's my husband stay back 🤺🤺"
Y/n:Your married
Jaden:Apparently so
*You guys are losing it laughing*
Y/n:These are 2 funny
*You guys are laughing*
Y/n:I can't breathe
*Yall are still laughing when someone walks in jadens room*
Jaden:What's up
*He says sitting next to Jaden*
Javon:Oh hey your Y/n right
Y/n:Yep hi
Javon:Cool Cool
*You are talking to Javon for a while and Jaden is playing some game on the PlayStation*
*You say running down the stairs*
Kylee:Jaxon just vomited all over the floor
Y/n:YUCK why did you call me down
Kylee:Umm well I'm not Cleaning it up
Y/n:That's nasty
Javon:What the fuck
Kylee:Hey Wanna
Jaxon:I don't feel well again
*You throw your phone at Kylee and Run Jaxon the bathroom to Throw up*
Y/n:KYLEE can you give me my phone
Kylee:Yeah Here
Y/n:I will call you later
*You hang up and call Krystal*
Y/n:Pick up Pick up
*She doesn't answer*
Y/n:For fuck sakes
*You call your dad and he doesn't answer*
Kylee:What about ryder
Y/n:Nope no way he will end up throwing up as well
*You call krystal again*
Krystal:Hey Y/n are you ok
Y/n:Jaxon is throwing up can you come home early
Krystal:I'm about an Hour away at work tho
Y/n:Where dad
Krystal:He's at work in town he can't get home yet the traffic
Y/n:Ok what do I do
Krystal:Clean up the vomit give him so medicine and Put him to bed
*Kylee is cleaning the vomit while you get the medicine*
Y/n:Come on buddy let's take you to bed
*You say picking him and carrying him to bed*
Jaxon:Can you stay with me Y/n
Y/n:Yeah sure
Kylee:Im going to meet some friends for dinner I will be back later
Y/n:Cool ok bye
*You lay next to Jaxon in his bed*
Jaxon:Where is ryder
Y/n:I don't know
*You call him*
Ryder:I'm at my girlfriends why
Y/n:Jaxon wanted to know
Ryder:Oh alright bye
*You hang up*
Y/n:Want to watch a movie
*You get a message from krystal
Krystal:Hey hope everything is going ok I'm stuck out here for tonight because There is bad traffic I will be home tomorrow and same with your dad he's stuck out at work
Y/n:Yeah everything fine And alright see ya tomorrow
*You put the phone down and watch the movie*
Jaxon:Do you have a boyfriend
Y/n:No I don't
Jaxon:Who's that kid you are always on the phone to
Y/n:Oh Jaden he's just really good friend
*Jaxon falls asleep and you get a call*
Jaden:Where are you
Y/n:In my brothers room
*You show him Jaxon sleeping*
Jaden:Oh sorry I will go
Y/n:Nah it's ok
*You get up and put the blanket over Jaxon and go to your room*
Y/n:I'm bored Kylee left me to go out with friends
Jaden:Want to play iMessage games
Y/n:Yeah sure
*You guys are playing four in a row*
Jaden:you didn't tell me you were good at this game
Y/n:Yeah I don't tell people much
*You guys play games for the night*

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