Part 15

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HI!!! before y'all go off at me again I didn't mean y/n was having a kid I meant that everyone's commented for her to have a kid so don't get mad at me please Y/N IS NOT HAVING A KID SHES 15 OMG
Dad:We are moving to Georgia
Dad:We found a nice place out there and we want you to be closer to Jaden
Y/n:Jaden yeah
Dad:We move at the end of the month
Dad:Alright calm down
Y/n:Thank you bye I love you
•It's been a couple of hours you have been in jaylas room
•it's now 9pm
*You scroll on your phone for a while*
Y/n:Maybe I should go talk to him
*You walk and his door is locked*
Y/n:J it's me
*You knock on the door*
*His eyes are all puffy and red and so are yours*
Jaden:I didn't do anything I swear
*He starts to tear up again*
*you Just hug him even tho it's probably not the right thing*
Y/n:Let's just talk
*He nods and you guys sit down*
Y/n:Did you see the photo
Jaden:No what photo
*You show him*
Jaden:Y/n I wasn't even wearing that today and also I haven't spoken to her in months and I would never do anything to hurt you I love you so much I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you the last thing I want to do is hurt you
*He starts to tear up again*
Y/n:Jaden I believe you
Jaden:You do
Y/n:yeah of course
*You guys are both still crying*
Jaden:So are we ok
*You kiss him*
*He kisses you back*
Y/n:I'm tired
*You guys both lay down and you are cuddled into his arms*
Y/n:Guess what
Jaden:Mh what
Y/n:I'm moving to Georgia
Y/n:Dad and krystal bought a house here we move in at the end of the month
Jaden:Omg YAY
*He kisses you all over your face*
Jaden:I love you
Y/n:I love you more
Jaden:I don't ever want anything to come in between us again
*You smile at him*
Y/n:Im tired
*You and Jaden end up falling asleep cuddling*
*She walks in the room and sees you 2*
Jayla:Aww thank god
Javon:What happening
Jayla:J and Y/n are back together
Javon:Oh thank god
*Everyone goes to bed*
Daelo:Y/n and Jaden wake up
*You both wake up*
Daelo:It's raining I'm scared can I sleep With you guys
Y/n:Yeah of course
*He jumps in between you and jaden*
Jaden:Man stealer stealing my girl yet again
*He rolls his eyes*
Y/n:Shh jaden he's nearly asleep again
*Daelo falls asleep in your arms in between you and J*
*Yall fall asleep again*
Small chapter I know but it's 11:30pm  and I'm really tired I've had a shit week and I need to sleep love y'all❤️❤️

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