Part 12

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*You and Jaden wake up it's now 5pm*
*He kisses you*
Jaden:I'm going to the bathroom
*You check your phone*
Javon:Oh shit
Y/n:Your so dead
*You chase Javon*
Jessica:Javon what did you do
Javon:Posted a photo of her and Jaden sleeping
Jessica:Omg leave them alone it's her first day and your already annoying her
*Jess walks back to the kitchen*
Y/n:Suck shit
Javon:You eat shit
*You walk back to jadens room*
Jaden:Where did you go
Y/n:Chased Javon around your house because HES A LITTLE RAT
Javon:Shut up y/n
*You lay next to Jaden*
Jess:Dinners ready guys
*You all are sitting at the table*
Daelo:Y/n is my new best friend
Jess:Oh really
*Jess laughs*
Y/n:Thanks for letting me stay
Dj:Anytime Y/n your welcome here whenever you want
Jess:Yes and it is great to finally meet you Jaden always talks about you
Y/n:Oh really
*You look at Jaden and he has red cheeks*
Jayla:Jadens embarrassed
*You all hear a knock at the door*
Javon:I'll get it
*He opens the door*
Javon:Oh what's up Kylee
*You were helping Jess clean up*
Kylee:Y/n Omg
*You run over and hug her*
Kylee:Why didn't you tell me you were here
Y/n:I just got here today
Kylee:I missed you
Y/n:I missed you to
Jess:Hi Kylee
Kylee:Hi jess
*Kylee goes to jaylas room*
Daelo:Y/n can you play Fortnite with me
Y/n:Yes Id love to
*You follow daelo*
Daelo:Do you know how to play
Y/n:Yes I play with Jaden a lot
*You are playing Fortnite with daelo*
Y/n:Good dude
*You high 5 him*
Jaden:Do yall want to watch a movie
Kylee:Did I hear movie
Javon:Yeah let's all watch a movie
Dj:I'll go get the blow up mattress
*Dj gets all the mattress out*
•You and Jaden are on the lounge
•Jayla and Kylee are on a mattress together
•Javon is sleeping alone
•Daelo is laying next to you right now
Javon:What movie
Jaden:The Disney movie seriously-
Y/n:Jaden shut up
Y/n:I like that movie
Jayla:Coco it is then
*They put the movie on*
•Half way through the movie
*Daelo has fallen asleep cuddled up to you*
Jaden:Daelo is trying to still my girl again
*You all laugh*
Jaden:Here I will take him to bed
*He carry's Daelo to bed and come back down and cuddles up to you*
Kylee's Instagram:

*You and Jaden wake up it's now 5pm*Jaden:HiY/n:Hi*He kisses you*Jaden:I'm going to the bathroom*You check your phone*Y/n:JAVON Javon:Oh shitY/n:Your so dead*You chase Javon*Jessica:Javon what did you doJavon:Posted a photo of her and Jaden sleepi...

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Javon:Man this is boring
Kylee:I agree
Jayla:Let's what something else
Jaden:Doesn't the new euphoria episode come out tonight
Javon:Yeah it's the season 2 final
Kylee:Let's watch it
*Javon rolls his eyes because he already knows what happens*
Y/n:Maddie better Beat Cassie's ass
Jayla:Ok now shut up
*Yall are half way through the episode and your up the part where the Cassie and Maddie are running after each other*
Kylee:Yess go Maddie
Y/n:Beat her ass Go Maddie
*Yall cheer for Maddie*
Javon:Fuck this I'm getting a drink
*You are up the part where the police break into fez's*
Y/n:Oh shit
*You start to tear up*
*You and Kylee are crying*
Javon:Why the fuck are y'all crying I'm right here it's not like I died it was only ash that died
Y/n:You recon I care that ash died nah bruh I'm crying for Fez
*You throw a pillow at his head*
Jaden:Jesus Christ
*You and Kylee are crying still*
Jayla:What the fuck
*You and Kylee start lauging*
Y/n:Poor fez
Javon:pOoR fEz
*Jess walks past and pinches Javon's arm*
Jess:Don't be rude wanna
*You and Jaden try not to laugh*
Jess:Me and Dj are going to bed night guys
*You all watch movies and you and Jaden are cuddled up*

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