Part 31

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•It's the next day
Y/n:Hey I'm going to The Walton's for bit
*You walk over to the Walton's*
Jayla:Oh hi what are you doing here
Y/n:I'm bored and we don't have any good food at home so I'm coming to steal some of urs
*You grab some food*
Jayla:Want to watch Venom with me and Wanna
Y/n:Yeah sure
*You all are watching the movie In the lounge room*
Javon:This is one of the best Movies
*The movie finishes and you watch other one*
Y/n:I need to go to the bathroom
*You walk upstairs*
*You say a girl walk out of Jadens room*
Girl:Ew move
*She barges into your shoulder*
Y/n:Who are you
Girl:Jaden's girlfriend
*Your heart shattered*
Girl:Oh your y/n aren't you
*She says Giving you a dirty look*
Y/n:Ah Yeah
Girl:He doesn't want you anymore so if I was you i Would just leave
*She says walking away*
*You go the bathroom*
Y/n:Fuck me
*A tear runs down your cheek*
*You hear a knock at the door*
Y/n:Hold up
*You open the door*
Jaden:Woah are you ok
Y/n:Fuck you
*You say walking past him*
Jaden:y/n wait what
*he says grabbing your arm*
Jaden:What did I do
*You just look at him*
Y/n:Jaden we literally only broke up one week ago and look at you already dating other people
*You say pulling your arm away*
*You walk downstairs*
Y/n:I have to go sorry bye
*You say hiding your face*
(Because it was red and puffy)
Javon:You good
Y/n:Yeah couldn't be better
*You say grabbing your Phone and leaving*
Jayla:Is she ok
Javon:I don't think so
*You walk home*
Krystal:Hey Y/n
Krystal:What's wrong
Krystal:I can hear it in your voice you've been crying
*you just look down*
Krystal:Are you ok
*You shake your head*
Krystal:Come here hunny
*She hugs you*
Krystal:It's ok
*She holds you while you cry*
Krystal:Do you want to me what happened
Y/n:Its just Jaden and everyone's Overwhelming me
*She hugs you again*
Y/n:I'm going to go for a shower
*You go shower and get changed into something comfy*
Y/n:No more Tears y/n he's not worth the time
*You go lay on your bed and turn music on*
Y/n:"I wanna be high all the time Would you come with me? Wish I didn't doubt it I wish I never ever told you all about it"
*You were scrolling on your phone while listening to music*

•It's the next dayY/n:Hey I'm going to The Walton's for bit*You walk over to the Walton's*Y/n:YO IM HEREJayla:Oh hi what are you doing hereY/n:I'm bored and we don't have any good food at home so I'm coming to steal some of ursJavon:Wtf*You grab s...

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1-you, Kylee and Jayla2-Jaxon3-angus cloud4-Daelo5-You crying———————————————————————@itz

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1-you, Kylee and Jayla
3-angus cloud
5-You crying
Caption:Photo dump because why not
^^Late last year I think😭
@onwardjdub:Wheres my photo why I didn't get one
^^You don't deserve one :/
@Y/n..Fan:Why were you crying
^^Ask Jaden
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Krystal:Jaxon is at Walton's I'm going grocery shopping want to come with me
Y/n:Yeah sure
*You get ready and get in the car*
Krystal:Do you want to talk about anything
Y/n:Nah I'm fine
Krystal:You sure
Y/n:Yeah I'm sure
*You guys do your grocery shopping*
Krystal:See that was fun
Y/n:Yeah I guess
*You guys laugh and put the groceries in the car*
Y/n:What are we having a dinner
*You guys get home and you help her unpack the Groceries*
Krystal:thanks y/n
*Your dad gets home*
Dad:I was just talking to the Jess and Dj and They are coming to have dinner with us
*You say Sarcastically*
Dad:Y/n don't
*You roll your eyes and go to your room*
Dad:Y/N Come downstairs
*You go downstairs*
Javon:What's up
*You make eye contact with Jaden*
Y/n:Umm krystal do need any help
Krystal:Yeah can you set the table
Y/n:Yeah no problem
*Your trying everything to not have to talk to Jaden*
Jayla:Yo Y/n we should go in the pool
Y/n:I'm down
*They run home and get changed and You get changed*
Y/n:We are going swimming
*You are all in the pool*
Y/n:Where's jaden
Jayla:Idk the last time I saw him he was walking upstairs
Javon:What happened earlier with you guys
Y/n:There was some girl In his room and she barged into me and also told me she's his girlfriend and that I should leave because he doesn't want me back
Jayla:I have always hated that girl
Y/n:What's her name
Jayla:Kiara or something
*You guys talk for a while*
Krystal:Y/n Jaxon wants to swim can you watch him
*You watch Jaxon swim*
Y/n:oh You good dude
*He says kicking his legs around*
Javon:I'm cold
Y/n:Yeah I'm getting out
*You all get out*
Y/n:I'm going to get changed
*You say walking upstairs*
Y/n:Fuck off
*You say walking back down the Stairs*
Jaden:Y/n Omg wait
Y/n:Jaden I'm trying to make an effort to not talk to you do you not understand that
*You could tell you just broke his heart*
Jaden:Fuck this
*He says walking away*
*You go and get changed*
Dad:Kids we need to talk it's important come To the lounge room...
Cliffhanger because I'm a bitch😭
Anyways So Y/n and Jaden have beef again but don't worry I have something planned remember sooooo

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