Part 39

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Sorry it took so long y'all I've been working on my javon's story (y'all should look at it) and I've had a lot on my plate Lately I just found out my aunty has cancer and my mum is getting tested for cancer we are waiting for results and Also you will never guess what else I got Covid on Saturday😜 so much fun😭
*Yall finish the movie*
Y/n:I'm gonna go get some water
*You get up and go to the sink*
Y/n:Shit my Meds
*You take your meds*
(Yes you've been taking them every day I just don't put it in the story)
Jaden:Oh shit yeah i forgot about your meds
Y/n:Lucky I remembered
Jaden:Yeah we don't want a repeat of last time
Y/n:Yk what I've been forgetting about a lot of things lately it's weird
*You walk back to the Lounge room*
Jaden:Kylee just said we are going to dinner
Y/n:Yeah alright
*You guys are sitting on the couch*
Jaden:You ok
Y/n:Just tired
*You say laying on his shoulder*
Jaden:I love you so much
Y/n:I love you more
*You say cuddling up to him*
Y/n:Hey I know we only started dating again but I want to tell Our families we are dating again because I don't like not being able to hug in front of everyone and it feels Not telling them
Jaden:No Yeah your right I agree we will tell them tonight
*You smile at him*
Y/n:Man I'm tired
*You both end up falling asleep*
*Everyone comes home you and Jaden end up on different ends of the couch*
Javon:Get up love birds
*He says throwing at pillow at your head*
Y/n:Ah man I'm tired
Jayla:It's 5:00 come on we need to get ready
*She says dragging you*
Kylee:I'll grab her legs
Y/n:Man wtf
*They Drag you to the room*
Jayla:Now what are you gonna wear
Kylee:I'm wearing this
*You guys hear yelling from the hallway*
*Then javon pushes him over*
Javon:No way bitch
*He runs to the bathroom and locks the door before Jaden could get up*
Jaden:You asshole
*You are all just looking at him like Wtf*
Jayla:What did I just Witness
Y/n:I wanna know the same thing
Jess:Yk there's 2 bathrooms right
Jess:Yeah there's one in mine and DJs room as well
*You guys just back up and close the door*
•30 mins later
*Everyone is showered and dressed*
Y/n:I still need to straighten my hair and Do my makeup
Jayla:I need to do my makeup
Kylee:I'm ready so If you want Y/n I can do your hair for you while you do your makeup
Y/n:Omg Yes please
*She's straighten your hair while you do your makeup*
Y/n:Have y'all heard Harry styles new song "As it was"
Kylee:I heard the start of it
Y/n:What are serious I love it
(It's actually my favourite song😜 Fun fact about me I'm obsessed with Harry styles I love him so much)
*Javon walks in*
Y/n:Hey Wanna
*He sits down with you guys*
Javon:Doesn't that like fry your hair off
Y/n:No dumbass
Jayla:Omg wanna
*She rolls her eyes*
Kylee:Almost done
*Jaden walks in and you smile at him*
Y/n:Come sit with us
*He sits down next to you*
Jess:We are leaving in 5
*Everyone gets up*
Y/n:I just need to grab my phone
*Everyone but Jaden leaves*
Jaden:You look absolutely gorgeous Babe
Y/n:Thank you
*You kiss him*
Y/n:Oh shit sorry I got lipgloss on you
*You wipe it off*
Y/n:I'll be out in a Minute
*You kiss his cheek*
Your Instagram story:

Sorry it took so long y'all I've been working on my javon's story (y'all should look at it) and I've had a lot on my plate Lately I just found out my aunty has cancer and my mum is getting tested for cancer we are waiting for results and Also you ...

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*You run out to the Car*
Javon:It's about time Jesus
*Jaden gets out so you can get in the middle*
*Javon keep Annoying you*
Y/n:I swear to god Javon walton
Javon:It's funny seeing you get mad
*You just look at him and he pokes your knee again so you slap his hand*
Y/n:Bitch I told you to stop
Dj:Stop fighting Or I will have to put you both in the Boxing ring together
*You both look at each other*
Dj:No javon I was joking
*He leans back*
Javon:Dam it
Y/n:I would beat you ass any day
*He rolls his eyes*
Jaden:If you roll your eyes to much they will fall out
*Daelo looks worried*
Y/n:He's joking don't worry daelo
*You look at Jaden*
Y/n:Dont scare the poor kid
*You guys get to the Restaurant*
*You guys go inside*
Jess:Our tables over there
*You all go sit down*
•Your in between Daelo and Jaden and then Javon's in front of you and Jayla and Kylee are Next to javon
*You guys are reading the menu*
Jess:Have y'all figured out what you want
*You all order your food and wait*
Dj:So Y/n and Jaden are you guys back together
*Jaden looks at you and you nod*
Jaden:Yes we are
*He holds you hand*
*Javon chocks on his water*
Jayla:You own me 20 dollars javon and Kylee
Javon:Oh for fuck sakes
Kylee:Dam it
Y/n:Yall we're betting on us
Jaden:Wtf bro
*You just look them*
Jess:Anyways how long have y'all been together
Y/n:Since yesterday when we went to get icecream
Jaden:We we're gonna keep it to our selves and not tell anyone for a while but we don't want to tell social media yet
*You guys are all talking*
Waiter:Here's your food
*You guys all eat*
Jaden:This is good
Javon:It slaps so hard
Javon:Kid you ordered Chicken nuggets at a fancy restaurant what's yummy about that
Y/n:Leave him alone Javon Nuggets Are the best right daelo
*You guys finish eating*
Kylee:That was so good
*You guys all talk for a while*
Jess:I heard there's Markets on down the road do you guys want to go
Jayla:Yes Omg
Kylee:Omg yes
Y/n:Yes please
*You guys pay and Get in the car*
Daelo:I'm excited
*You lay your head on Jaden shoulder*
Jaden:I love you
Y/n:I love you more
*You guys just Talk for a while*
Hey guys I wanted to say That I wish I could reply to all your comments but wattpad is being stupid and Won't send me an Email to verify my email to reply to comments🥲 
Also can Y'all check my Javon story out it's called "Love hearts"

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