Part 4

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•It's been a week
•Kylee goes home today
•You've been calling Jaden every day and night
•You have gotten very close with both javon and jayla
*You wake up at 6am to take Kylee to the airport*
Y/n:Hey Kylee wake up
Kylee:Mh what
Y/n:We have to go
Kylee:Oh yeah
*You gets up and carry's her bags downstairs*
Dad:Leaving already
Kylee:Yeah don't worry I will come back soon
Krystal:It was lovely having you here
Kylee:Thank you for having me
Ryder:Bye douche bag
*He says messing Kylee hair up*
Kylee:Bye ryder
Jaxon:Aww your leaving
Kylee:Yeah sorry buddy
*He says holding Kylee's leg*
Y/n:Jaxon let her go please
*Your dad pulls Him off her*
Kylee:Bye everyone
Everyone:Bye Kylee
*You and Kylee get in the car*
Kylee:I don't want to leave
Y/n:I don't want you to leave me bro
Kylee:Next time I will bring Jaden with me
*She says winking at you and you roll your eyes*
Y/n:Alright we are here
*You get tears in your eyes*
Y/n:Dam I'm gonna miss you
Kylee:Don't make me cry I have mascara on
*She gets her things out the car*
Y/n:Bye kylee
*Yall are hugging when you both start crying*
*You guys are both lauging while crying*
Kylee:Bye y/n
Y/n:Bye Kylee
*She starts walking away*
Kylee:Aww one more hug please
*You run up and her*
Kylee:I love you bye
Y/n:Love you to bye
*You get in the car and start to cry a bit*
*You stop at McDonald's on your way home and get breakfast for everyone*
Y/n:IM HOME and I got McDonald's
*Everyone gets there food and you go to your room*

•It's been a week•Kylee goes home today•You've been calling Jaden every day and night •You have gotten very close with both javon and jayla*You wake up at 6am to take Kylee to the airport*Y/n:Hey Kylee wake upKylee:Mh whatY/n:We have to goKylee:Oh...

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Caption:I had to say goodbye to Favourite Cousin today also keep swiping for a photo of me crying after her leaving😻🤞@_kylee.pruitt
@onwardjdub:how do you still look so pretty while crying😧
^^Because I'm hot no matter what😚
@jaylawaltonoffical:Kylee is crying in my arms🥸
^^ jayla Stopppp your make me cry again😑
@onwardwanna:where's my McDonald's that's rude you didn't get me any
^^Boi wtf do you want to do mail you some up in the post🤨
@Y/n..fanpage:YOUR RELATED TO KYLEE????
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*You are watching a tiktok and your dad comes in*
Dad:Hey Y/n
Y/n:Hey dad
Dad:We need to talk
Y/n:What about
Dad:you have a huge exam coming up and you really need to study
Y/n:I do 7 online lessons a day and I study all night
Dad:y/n please I need you to work harder
Y/n:Are you serious
Dad:Yes and don't argue y/n
Y/n:Yeah sorry dad
*Your dad leaves and you roll your eyes*
Y/n:Ahh I hate this
*You sit at desk and study*
Y/n:Ah I hate this
*You study all day*
Y/n:Man im tired
*You get a message from jaden*
Jaden:Sorry I haven't messaged I have been busy with family all day x
Y/n:Yeah that's ok x
*You turn the music up and do more study*
•It's now 1am
Y/n:Ah I mental can't do this anymore
*You start to cry a bit*
*You get a phone call*
*You quickly wipe your tears*
Jaden:Woah are you ok
Y/n:Yeah fine
*Jaden knew you weren't ok your eyes were all red and puffy*
Jaden:No your not what's wrong
*You bite your lip trying to cry*
Y/n:I'm just mentally exhausted my life has been so consumed dads making me do 7 lesson a day and study and the whole time Kylee was here I had to study and stuff I just can't do it anymore
*You are crying again*
Jaden:Aww y/n please don't cry
*You wipe your tears*
Y/n:Shit sorry I'm a mess
Jaden:It's ok you look fine
*You try not to cry again*
Y/n:I just need someone to hug me and let me cry In there arms
*Jaden gets tears in his eyes because he feels bad*
Jaden:I wish I could be there with right now and Hug you
*You smile*
Jaden:Hey look there's the smile
*You laugh*
Jaden:Come on go to sleep
Y/n:I can't sleep
Jaden:I will stay on call with you then
*You put phone up and talk to Jaden the whole night*

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