Part 38

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YALL I never said i was ending the story IM NOT ENDING IT!!! I was saying I'm going To write all 3 of the story's so if I don't post on this story one day I'm writing another part of another story!!!
•2 days later
*You wake up*
*You get up and walk to the kitchen to get a drink*
Y/n:I'm so tired
*You were Drinking your water when you feel someone's arms go around your Waist*
Y/n:Jesus Christ Jaden you scared me
Y/n:It's ok
*You turn around to face him*
Jaden:What are you doing up anyways
Y/n:I was thirsty
Jaden:Oh yeah
Jaden:Anyways the sun comes up in like 30 mins so want to go down to the beach and watch it
Y/n:Yeah just give me 10 mins
*You go back to your room and get changed into A bikini and You put a hoodie over it and you do your hair*
The Bikini you wear:

YALL I never said i was ending the story IM NOT ENDING IT!!!  I was saying I'm going To write all 3 of the story's so if I don't post on this story one day I'm writing another part of another story!!!———————————————————————•2 days later*You wake u...

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The hoodie you wear over it:

Y/n:Alright I'm ready*You say grabbing your phone off charge*Jaden:You readyY/n:Yeah*You guys are walking holding hands*Jaden:its been good having something we can keep to ourselves Y/n:I agree it feels peaceful Jaden:Yeah*You smile at him and he ...

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Y/n:Alright I'm ready
*You say grabbing your phone off charge*
Jaden:You ready
*You guys are walking holding hands*
Jaden:its been good having something we can keep to ourselves
Y/n:I agree it feels peaceful
*You smile at him and he hugs you*
Jaden:I love you
Y/n:I love you more
*He kisses you*
Jaden:Not as much as I love you
*You pull his hand and start to run*
Y/n:Come on we will miss the sunrise
Jaden:Alright Alright
*You guys get to the beach and sit on the towels*
Y/n:It's so pretty
Jaden:Yeah I know
*You are laying on his shoulder*
Y/n:I wish I could surf it looks like so much fun
Jaden:Then let's learn
Jaden:Let's learn how to surf right now
Y/n:Alright dam
Jaden:Come on let's go buy a surf board and learn
*You guys walk to the shops*
Y/n:I'm gonna choose This one
Jaden:Good idea that's the best one
*You guys get your surf boards and walk back to the beach*
Jaden:Come on
Y/n:Hold up I need to take my hoodie off
*You take your hoodie off and walk down to the water*
Jaden:The water is warm don't worry
Y/n:You better not be lying
*You get into the water*
Y/n:OH you lying little bitch it's freezing cold
*Jadens laughing at you*
Y/n:Shut up Jade
Jaden:alright sorry
*You guys go out far enough*
Y/n:Ok hold my hand
*You stand get on the surf board*
Jaden:You ready
Y/n:Yeah I think so
*You stand up and he lets go off your hands and you fall off the board*
*You guys are laughing*
Y/n:Ok let's try again
*You get back on*
Y/n:Ok ready let go
*You fall off again but this time you fall Foward and smack your head on the board*
*Jaden is losing it*
Jaden:That was so funny Omg
*He is losing it*
Jaden:Omg I can't breathe
Y/n:I'll make sure you can't in a minute if you don't shut the fuck up
*Jaden is just looking at you and you both are trying so hard not to laugh*
Y/n:Ok that was really fun
*You guys are laughing*
•A couple of Attempts later
Jaden:There we go you got it
Y/n:Fuck this
*You jump back off the board*
Y/n:Your turn
*He gets on the board*
Jaden:I don't need your Hands to hold
Y/n:Whatever you say
*As soon as he stands up he falls into the water*
Y/n:You sure you don't need my Hand
Jaden:Fuck off
*You guys are losing*
Jaden:Shut up here hold my hand
*He gets up on the Surf board*
Jaden:SEE I can do it faster then you
Y/n:Suck my dick you bitch
*You guys swim around for a while*
Y/n:I'm tired
*You guys grab your board and walk on the beach*
Jaden's Instagram story:

Y/n:Alright I'm ready*You say grabbing your phone off charge*Jaden:You readyY/n:Yeah*You guys are walking holding hands*Jaden:its been good having something we can keep to ourselves Y/n:I agree it feels peaceful Jaden:Yeah*You smile at him and he ...

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*You guys start to walk back*
Jaden:Shit it's raining
Y/n:It always runs whenever we walk home I swear
Jaden:Yeah I know right
*You guys walk in the rain*
Jayla:Omg where were you guys
Javon:Yeah we were bored
Y/n:Sorry we went to watch the sunrise and then we learnt how to stand on a surf board
Kylee:And y'all still say you aren't together
Y/n:No we aren't
Y/n:I'm going to shower
*You go shower and wash your hair*
Y/n:Yuck my hair is all Knotty
Kylee:Here let me help you
*She brushes the knots out for you
(She's always done that for you ever since you were little)
Y/n:Thanks Ky
Kylee:No worries
*You walk out the lounge room*
Dj:Here's some food for you
Y/n:Thank you so much
*You eat your food*
Jess:So we are gonna go to the beach and then the markets do y'all want to come
Y/n:No thanks I don't feel to well
Dj:There's some medicine in the first aid kit if you need it
Jess:So who's coming
Jaden:Nah I will stay back here I feel sunburn
Jayla:Boi you aren't even tan yet how the hell are you sunburn
Jaden:I don't know I feel like I have heat stroke
Jess:Alright so everyone but Y/n and Jaden is that correct
*They all leave*
Y/n:Man I feel terrible
Jaden:Do you want some medicine
Y/n:Yes please
*He brings you a water and medicine*
Y/n:Thank you
Jaden:Anything for you
*You simile at him*
Y/n:God I hate this stuff
Jaden:Yeah I know that's why I gave you some water
Y/n:It's funny that you remember stuff like that
*You get up*
Jaden:Where you going your leaving me
Y/n:I'm going to the bathroom calm down
*You go to the bathroom and come back*
Jaden:I want to Try and braid your hair
Y/n:Oh my lord Alright let me go get my hair brush
*You grab your hairbrush and Sit in Front of him*
Jaden:I recon I'm gonna be good at this
Y/n:Let's hope so
*He tries to braid your hair*
Y/n:Hey you did a good job babe
Jaden:Thank you Babe
*You lay next to him*
Jaden:How you feeling
Y/n:Tired and Sick
*You cuddle into him*
Jaden:Want to watch tangled
Y/n:Of course my favourite Disney movie besides Princess and the frog that's good to
*He laughs at you and puts the movie on*
Jaden:I love you
Y/n:I love you more
*You guys cuddle up and the sofa and watch the movie*

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