Part 9

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•It's been 2 weeks
•Jaden leaves tomorrow
•You have told your family about dating
•Y'all haven't made it offical on social media yet
*Its 11am and you are laying on jadens chest*
Jaden:Babe you need to let go of me please
*You hug him really tight*
Jaden:Please I need to pack my stuff
Y/n:No way
Jaden:Please babe
*You roll your eyes and let go of him*
Jaden:I'm taking you out for lunch so get ready
*You change clothes and get ready for lunch*
Jaden:You ready babe
*You say grabbing your phone*
Jaden:Come on
*He grabs your hand*
Y/n:Where are we going for lunch
Jaden:It's a surprise
Y/n:Yk I hate surprises can you just tell me
*You guys get the car and Jaden drives*
Jaden:Your so pretty
Y/n:Why thank you sir
*You guys get the the place*
*Jaden comes and opens your car door for you*
Jaden:For you my lady
Y/n:what a gentleman
*You take his hand and go into the restaurant*
Y/n:It's so nice here
*You and Jaden sit down and order*
Jaden:I was thinking why don't we make offical on social media today
Y/n:Yeah I guess but what if they hate me
Jaden:Y/n no one could hate you your the sweetest girl ever
Jadens Instagram story:

•It's been 2 weeks •Jaden leaves tomorrow •You have told your family about dating •Y'all haven't made it offical on social media yet *Its 11am and you are laying on jadens chest*Jaden:Babe you need to let go of me pleaseY/n:Nope*You hug him really...

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Waiter:Ok here's your food!
*You guys eat your food and pay*
Y/n:Thank you for lunch
Jaden:Anytime babe
*You guys drive back to your house and talk for while*
Y/n:I'm bored
*Its now 8pm*
Jaden;Want to watch a movie
Y/n:Mh sure
*You and Jaden were in your room and you changed into one of his hoodies*
Jaden:My hoodie really
Y/n:It's my favourite one tho
*You say laying in jadens lap while he plays with your hair*
Jaden:I'm sad I have to leave
*You started to think about how jaden has never said I love you but you don't like making first moves*

Waiter:Ok here's your food!*You guys eat your food and pay*Y/n:Thank you for lunchJaden:Anytime babe*You guys drive back to your house and talk for while*Y/n:I'm bored*Its now 8pm*Jaden;Want to watch a movieY/n:Mh sure*You and Jaden were in your r...

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Caption:My lover💐😽 @onwardjdub
@Onwardjdub:My girl forever💘
@onwardwanna:I still can't believe y'all meet over Instagram and now look at y'all dating
^^I know ture love😌
@jaylawaltonoffical:You look so pretty in all of these
^^all you bae❤️
@_kylee.pruitt:I'm still in shock my cousin is dating Jaden walton
*Liked by @itz.ya.girl.y/n*
@Y/n..hater:How do he even date her she's a whore
^^@onwardjdub:Because she's not someone sitting behind a screen talking shit like you are
Jaden:Are you taking me to the airport tomorrow
*You heart broke again*
Y/n:Ye- Yeah but Krystal's coming with me
Jaden:Oh alright
*Your laying in jadens arms when a tear drops onto his arm*
Jaden:Are you crying
*He turns the light on*
*He hugs you tighter*
Jaden:What's wrong
Y/n:I just don't want you to leave
Jaden:I know I wish I could stay forever but i have to get home and I have huge coming up in a few months we need to practice and school starting again
Y/n:Yeah sorry
*Jadens heart break seeing you cry*
Jaden:I love you
Y/n:I love you to
*You get butterfly's in your stomach and you blush*
Jaden:you should blush more often it looks cute
*You lay in jadens arms and fall asleep he wipes your Left over tears*
Jaden:I love you so much
*He says with a tear going down his face*
Dad:Hey is everything ok it's quiet
Jaden:Yeah she just fell asleep
Dad:Ok goodnight
*Jadens kisses your head before falling asleep as well*
Jaden:Hey babe wake up it's 5
*You open your guys and notice your still in jadens arms*
*You smile at him*
Jaden:I'm leaving in an hour
*Your smile fades*
Jaden:Come on let's go make some breakfast
*Jaden and you go downstairs*
Krystal:Morning Y/n and jaden
*You just smile*
*Krystal hands you guys some food*
Krystal:Let me know when y'all are ready to go
*You eat your food and you guys go back to your room*
Jaden:You ok
*You shake your head*
*He hugs you*
Y/n:I don't want you to leave
Jaden:I don't want to leave you
*Jaden and you are both crying*
Dad:Woah are you guys ok
*You both laugh while crying*
*You are laying on top of Jaden cuddling him*
Jaden:I love you
Y/n:I love you so much more
*You hug him tighter*
Jaden:I love you more tho
*You laugh*
Y/n:No way
*You guys cuddle for a while*
Jaden:It's 6:00 babe
Y/n:What already
*You guys go downstairs*
Y/n:We are ready to go
*Jaden puts his bags in the car*
Krystal:Alright Jaden did you get everything
*Jaden gets in the car you guys are both in the back seat and he's laying his head in your lap*
Y/n:I love you
*You say playing with his hair*
Jaden:I love you to
*Krystal turns the radio on*
Krystal:You guys ok
*Jaden had fallen asleep with his head in your lap*
•20 mins later
Y/n:J wake up
Y/n:Were- we're here
*You say trying not to cry*
*You guys both get out the car and he gets his bags out*
Y/n:I love you
*You hug him*
Jaden:I love you so much more
*You guys both start crying again*
Y/n:Please don't leave
*You wrap your legs around him*
Jaden:Im sorry babe
*He wipes your tears away*
Jaden:I love you so much
Y/n:Please call me when you get home
*He smiles at you*
Jaden:Of course
*He hugs you really tight*
Jaden:I have to go
*You say letting go of him*
Y/n:I know
*You guys kiss*
Y/n:I love you
*He kisses you again*
Jaden:I love you more
*He hugs you one last time*
Jaden:Bye babe I love you
*You have tears streaming down your face*
Y/n:bye- Bye j
*You watch him slowly walk away*
Y/n:i love you (quietly)
*You watch him walk into the airport*
Krystal:Come on y/n
*She says hugging you*
Y/n:Can't I go with him
*You get in the car*
Krystal:Before you know it he will be here again don't worry
*He waves at you through the airport window*
Y/n:i hate having to see him leave
*You smile and wave back and he walks through the security doors*
*Your smile fades away*
Krystal:Want some McDonald's
Y/n:No thanks
*You are starring out the window the whole way home*
Ryder:Dam you look a mess
Y/n:Fuck off
*You flip him off and walk to your room and put jadens hoodie on*
Y/n:I hate my life
*You watch movies and In your room cuddled up to the blanket Jaden got you*
Im sorry if I made you cry I cried while making this
Also can y'all give me some ideas idk what to do next!!!

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