Part 42

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Hey guys I'm extremely sorry completely so so so so sorry that I haven't posted in a week
I've been busy with everything!
I've been busy with my Family and my bf has finally come to visit me after 3 months we don't get to see each other much because of long distance so I wanted to spend time with him and my family for Easter!!!
•Also Idk if I'm gonna posting a lot because I sadly start school again on Tomorrow I want to bang my head against the wall repeatedly bro I hate school sm
*You guys are sitting In the lounge room*
Jayla:I'm bored
Y/n:we could just go for a walk around
Javon:I'm down
Jayla:Yeah alright
*You guys all get up*
Jaden:Y/nnn wait up
*He runs up next to you*
Y/n:Hi babe
*He gives you a quick kiss before we all walk out the door*
Javon:Hurry up
*You guys are walking*
Y/n:Hold up Jaden
*You jump on his back*
Jaden:Woah dam
*He runs with you on his back*
Jaden:Calm down oh my days
*You get off him*
Jaden:Let's go back to the other
*You guys walk back to the others*
*You and javon are walking and talking*
Jayla's Instagram:

Y/n:Can we go to the markets over thereKylee:Good idea Y/n*You wait for Jaden to catch up*Y/n:HiJaden:Hey*You guys run across the busy road*Jayla:OH MY DAYSJavon:I ALMOST GOT HITKylee:Dude i thought I was gonna die*You and Jaden just look at them*...

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Y/n:Can we go to the markets over there
Kylee:Good idea Y/n
*You wait for Jaden to catch up*
*You guys run across the busy road*
Kylee:Dude i thought I was gonna die
*You and Jaden just look at them*
Jaden:Y'all overreact so much
*You guys walk into the markets*
Y/n:Ooo fruit stall
*You drag Jaden with you*
Y/n:im gonna get a dragon fruit, mango and some watermelon
Jaden:Im gonna get a apple
Y/n: they got the best fruits here and you pick a god dam apple wtf man
*You guys are walking around trying to find the others*
Y/n:We are buying matching pearl bracelets and neckless
Jaden:Whatever you say
*You guys get your bracelets and necklaces*
Kylee:There you guys are we were searching for you
Y/n:Oh sorry
Jayla:We are gonna go down to the beach over there
Y/n:Alright come on
*You guys walk down to the beach*
Jaden:Yo there's a swing here
Y/n:Come on Jaden
*You and Jaden are on both sitting on the Swing*
Jaden:You look very pretty tonight
Y/n:Aww thank you babe you look pretty to
*You cuddle into him*
(It was night time no one could figure out it was you and Jaden on the swing)
*Jayla, javon and Kylee are sitting on the rocks*
Javon:Jaden seems happy
Jayla:Yeah he does
Kylee:I think there meant for each other
*You and Jaden get off the Swing and walk over to them*
Jayla:Mum just messaged me and said come home
*You guys are walking home*
Y/n: bro I just got These shoes and there white they gonna get muddy and dirty
Jaden:Hold up
*He picks you up*
Kylee:Omg don't drop her
*He Carry's you over the mud*
Y/n:Ok you can put me down now
Jaden:Nah I think I'm gonna carry you longer
Y/n:Just don't kill me please
Jaden:No promises
*He says running with you*
Jaden:Sorry Sorry
*You guys get home and he puts you down*
Y/n:Thank you
*You and Jaden walk inside*
Jess:Where are the others
Jaden:Idk we lost them
*You guys wait for the others*
Javon:Sorry we got lost
Jess:I figured
Jayla:So what's up
Dj:we need you guys to pack your stuff and help clean this place is a mess
Javon:What do you mean it isn't even that messy
*He turns around and looks*
Javon:Never mind I take that back it's pretty bad
Y/n:I'm going to pack my bag
*You guys pack your bags*
Javon:I'm boredddd
*He says hanging off the end of the bed*
Y/n:Maybe if you got your ass up and cleaned with us you wouldn't be
Jayla:Javon get up and help
*She sprays him with the cleaning stuff (forgot the name)*
Jayla:Now get up and help
Javon:Ok Ok I'm sorry i will
Kylee:I'm tired
Javon:I'm going to bed
Jayla: night y'all
*They all leave*
Jaden:Where you sleeping tonight
Y/n:Idk your room
*You and Jaden are sitting on the couch*
Jaden:Want to watch a movie
Y/n:Yeah sure
*Jaden puts a movie on*
Y/n:It's freezing in here
*You say cuddling into jaden*
•30 mins later
*Your eyes are struggling to stay open and jaden noticed*
Jaden:Come on let's go to bed
Y/n:No No I'm not tired let's watch the movie
*You say cuddling into jaden more*
•5 mins later
*Jaden looks down at you and your asleep*
Jaden:And you said you weren't tired
*He laughs and slowly gets up*
Jaden:Come on now let's go to bed
*He carry's you to his room and puts you in the bed*
Javon:Dude wtf you woke me up
Jaden:I was barley even making a noise shut up
Jaden:Will you shut up your gonna wake Y/n up
Javon:Ah whatever
*He says laying back down*
*Jaden lays in bed next to you*
Jaden:Hey do you know what time we are leaving
Javon:Idk 6 or something
Jaden:Alright thanks
Hey guys
Just because I don't post for a bit doesn't mean I'm ending the book!
My life isn't just this book I have other things and books to write!!
Love y'all❣️
Can y'all give me ideas to put in this book!

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