Part 25

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Hey guys I have school so I don't post a lot but it's the weekend now so I can try my best to post more❤️
———————————————————————•It's 6am
*Your alarm goes and you get up*
Krystal:You start school in an hour hurry up
*You jump in the shower and get ready*
What your wear:

*You run downstairs and eat*Y/n:Ok bye love you all*You say running over to the waltons*Jayla:Hey we are just waiting for WannaY/n:Hold up*You run to Javon's room and drag him*Y/n:Wanna come on*You guys all leave and start walking*Javon:I think yo...

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*You run downstairs and eat*
Y/n:Ok bye love you all
*You say running over to the waltons*
Jayla:Hey we are just waiting for Wanna
Y/n:Hold up
*You run to Javon's room and drag him*
Y/n:Wanna come on
*You guys all leave and start walking*
Javon:I think you left a mark on me when you dragged me
Y/n:Hope so
*You and Jaden holding hands*
Y/n:It's to early for this shit
Jayla:I agree
*You guys get to school and as soon as you walk in those doors everyone is starring at you guys*
Jaden:Did you take your meds
*Jayla could tell you were nervous so she walk on the other side of you*
*You hugged her*
Y/n:I have to go get my time table
*Jaden goes with you*
Jaden:We have every class together but 2 of them
Y/n:Thank god
*You and Jaden go back to the others*
Javon:You have every class but Math's with me
Kylee:Your in my maths class and art class
Jayla:We don't have any classes
*The bell goes*
Jaden:Your with me and javon in science with mr McDonald
Y/n:is he nice
Y/n:Ok then
*You guys walk to class*
Jaden:Oh lord here comes the elephant
*You all jump*
Y/n:Fucking hell
Javon:Shut up Y/n
Y/n:Fuck off wanna
Javon:No I'm being serious shut the fuck up
*You just give him a weird look*
Y/n:Oh god everyone's looking at us
Jaden:Get used it
Y/n:Oh lord
•It's Lunch time
Jaden:Y/n come on
Y/n:Hold up Omg
*You all walk into the cafeteria and everyone is looking at yall*
*You run over to her*
Kylee:We have Maths next
Y/n:Ah really
*You guys all sit down*
Y/n:Hey Kylee are you still coming back to mine after school
•Skip to 2nd last class
Y/n:Ahhh I hate this class
*The bell goes and you go find Jaden*
Y/n:Hey what class do you have
Javon:I have art and you and Kylee are in my class
*You and javon and Kylee are all Walking to class*
Javon:This class is going to boring
*You all sit down*
Teacher:We are painting today
Teacher:Yes Javon
*You all start to paint*
Y/n:I can't paint for shit bro
Javon:I can't tell
*You all continue to paint*
Y/n:Yo Wanna look at me
*You slap his face with paint*
*You run away*
*He throws paint at your legs*
*You guys walk out the class room laughing*
Javon:That was fun
*Jaden's class is right across from y'all's so he can you guys*
Y/n:Yo that's Jaden
*You guys wave and give him the thumbs up*
Jaden:Oh god
*The teacher walks out*
Teacher:Y/n and javon what was the reasoning for to disturb the class
Javon:Because that class is boring and we need some fun
Teacher:Javon don't give me attitude
*You guys walk back in the class*
Kylee:Did y'all get in trouble
*You all sit down*
Y/n:Yo wanna and Kylee come do a fit check with me
*You guys recorded a fit check*
Kylee:Send that to me
*The bell goes for home*
*You guys walk out the class and meet jayla and Jaden*
Jayla:Wtf happened to y'all
Y/n:We had a paint fight
Jaden:Oh that's why you guys were out of class
*You guys are walking home and you and Jaden are holding hands walking behind everyone*
Y/n:Hey J are you ok you've been off all day and last night you were crying
Jaden:Yeah it's just im tried and stressed
*You hug him*
Jaden:Ahh you got paint on me
*You guys laugh and walk home*
Jaden:I have baseball so im going to get changed
Y/n:Ok bye
Y/n:Jayla you coming with me and Kylee
Jayla:Yes of course
*All 3 of you go to your house*
Y/n:Im home!
*no one answers back*
Y/n:Empty house
*You all go to your room*
Y/n:In person school is so much more fun
Jayla:Yeah I agree
*You all are sitting on your bed talking for a while*
Jayla:Did you notice Jaden was off today
Y/n:Yeah he told me it was because he's tired and stressed
Jayla:Yeah he's been crazy with Baseball lately
*You all talk for a while*
Y/n:Do yall just want to stay the night
Kylee:I'm down
Y/n:Alright well let's order pizza
*You guys order pizza*
Kylee:Hey Krystal
Krystal:Oh hi Kylee and your jayla im guessing
Jayla:Yes I'm jayla it's nice to meet you
Y/n:The girls are going to stay the night
Krystal:Fine by me
*You guys just eat pizza and watch movies all night*

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